Saturday, December 25, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Compensation and Restitution for Lombard Victim of Heinous Hate Crimes, Abuses of Human Rights in Housing Under The Law in DuPage County, Illinois USA
Attention: Village of Lombard
Bridget O'Brien, Village Clerk, David Hulseberg, Village Manager
Village Board of Trustees, Bill Mueller, President
Lombard Police and Fire Department
255 East Wilson Avenue
Lombard, Illinois 60148 USA
Ph: 1+ (630) 620-5700
RE: Compensation and Restitution for the Estate of Mr. Roberto Hung and Family, Lombard Victims of Criminal Disaster Roofing Damages, Heinous Hate Crimes, and Abuses of Human Rights in Housing Under the Law in DuPage County, Illinois, United States of America
My name is Gardenia C. Hung-Wittler, Lombard Victim of Criminal Disaster Roofing Damages, Heinous Hate Crimes, and Abuses of Human Rights in Housing Under the Law during my seventeen (17) years of residency as a Lombard homeowner, taxpayer, and U.S. citizen in DuPage County, Illinois in the United States of America. I am writing to provide contact information and direct your response for compensation and restitution to the Hung Family for all the criminal disaster roofing damages and losses, as well as the heinous hate crimes, and abuses of the Hung Family members as Lombard resident homeowners in DuPage County, Illinois. Please forward your mailing response directly to my attention:
Gardenia C. Hung-Wittler
Trustee for the Estate of Mr. Roberto Hung and Family
Post Office Box 1274
Lombard, Illinois 60148-8274 USA
I have been addressing the Village of Lombard in person, by U.S. mail, as well as electronic mail for all the concerns, questions, and demands for stolen property taken by Village of Lombard employees during the seventeen years of residency as Lombard homeowners in DuPage County, Illinois, USA. To date, I have not received any response to my queries nor been included in mailings for victims of crimes in Lombard, DuPage County, Illinois USA.
Please reply to my inquiries by U.S. mail.
Gardenia C. Hung-Wittler, M.A., B.A.
Attention: Village of Lombard
Bridget O'Brien, Village Clerk, David Hulseberg, Village Manager
Village Board of Trustees, Bill Mueller, President
Lombard Police and Fire Department
255 East Wilson Avenue
Lombard, Illinois 60148 USA
Ph: 1+ (630) 620-5700
RE: Compensation and Restitution for the Estate of Mr. Roberto Hung and Family, Lombard Victims of Criminal Disaster Roofing Damages, Heinous Hate Crimes, and Abuses of Human Rights in Housing Under the Law in DuPage County, Illinois, United States of America
My name is Gardenia C. Hung-Wittler, Lombard Victim of Criminal Disaster Roofing Damages, Heinous Hate Crimes, and Abuses of Human Rights in Housing Under the Law during my seventeen (17) years of residency as a Lombard homeowner, taxpayer, and U.S. citizen in DuPage County, Illinois in the United States of America. I am writing to provide contact information and direct your response for compensation and restitution to the Hung Family for all the criminal disaster roofing damages and losses, as well as the heinous hate crimes, and abuses of the Hung Family members as Lombard resident homeowners in DuPage County, Illinois. Please forward your mailing response directly to my attention:
Gardenia C. Hung-Wittler
Trustee for the Estate of Mr. Roberto Hung and Family
Post Office Box 1274
Lombard, Illinois 60148-8274 USA
I have been addressing the Village of Lombard in person, by U.S. mail, as well as electronic mail for all the concerns, questions, and demands for stolen property taken by Village of Lombard employees during the seventeen years of residency as Lombard homeowners in DuPage County, Illinois, USA. To date, I have not received any response to my queries nor been included in mailings for victims of crimes in Lombard, DuPage County, Illinois USA.
Please reply to my inquiries by U.S. mail.
Gardenia C. Hung-Wittler, M.A., B.A.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Abuse of Human Rights in Housing Under the Law by the Village of Lombard, DuPage County, Illinois, United States of America
My name is Gardenia C. Hung (Fong) Wittler, eldest daughter of Mr. Roberto Hung Mustelier, and Lombard resident homeowner at 502 South Westmore-Meyers Road and Washington Boulevard, Post Office Box 1274, Lombard, Illinois 60148-8274, in DuPage County, citizen of the United States of America. Originally, I was born in Santiago de Cuba, in the province of Oriente, in the country of Cuba, on December 27, 1958, the eldest daughter of Dr. Roberto Hung Mustelier, J.D. and Mrs. Gardenia Fong Ramos, both natural parents of Chinese-Cuban descent, whose grandfathers were Chinese nationals from southern China, Hong Kong, Canton province in mainland China. Since I have lived in the Village of Lombard, I have been a victim of heinous hate crimes, emotional distress, personal tragedy, physical abuse, a broken right toe which has developed into a hammertoe with painful muscle tension around the twisted right ankle (attached photos), harassment, sedition, kidnapping on several occasions, inducing drug while I was sleeping at home--injecting me behind the ear, around the neck area, thighs, ankles, toes, and feet, conspiracy, contrived auto accidents due to mechanical failure, motor breakdown, faulty brakes, broken front axle, electrical wiring failure on the motorcycle Derbi Boulevard 150 CC, a broken Sears Craftsman Deluxe Lawn Mower, damaged auto vehicles, victim of criminal disaster roofing for water damages and losses, burglary, theft. I have been married to former U.S. Navy Postal Clerk Nathan Scott Wittler (Patriquin) during the years of victimization from June 18, 1988 through June 17, 1994, when Nathan S. Wittler filed for a divorce by proxy in West Dummerston, Vermont, New England in the United States of America.
For the last seventeen (17) years, I have worked as a legal, medical, technical interpreter and translator while I have lived in the Village of Lombard, in the Counties of Du Page, Cook, Will, Kane, Grundy, LaSalle, Lake in Illinois, United States of America. During the same period of time, I have been employed as a certified freelance court interpreter and translator for Interlate Systems, Inc. in Elgin and Aurora, Arroyave Languages Academy in Arlington Heights and Highland Park, Palencia Language Services in Chicago, Accurate Translations Bureau in Hinsdale, and other translation agencies in the U.S.A. I have been an active member of the Chicago Area Translators and Interpreters Association (CHICATA), the American Translators Association (ATA), the International Federation of Translators (FIT) I have been commissioned as an Illinois Notary Public in Cook and Du Page County, Illinois. In addition, I have worked as faculty at the College of Du Page in Glen Ellyn and Lombard for Good Samaritan Hospital, Central Du Page Hospital, National Chiropractic College (NCC) , also known as the University of Health and Sciences in Lombard, as well as for other companies sponsored by the College of Du Page Business Institute Programs for Health Communications.
Prior to living in the western suburbs, during January 1991, I resided on the northwest side of Chicago, while I worked as certified interpreter and translator for Action Translation Bureau in Palos Heights and Carmen Kenny and Associates in Arlington Heights, Illinois upon assignment at the Illinois Industrial Commission Arbitration Center for Workers’ Compensation . In addition, I was hired for temporary assignment by Diplomatic Languages Services based in Arlington, Virginia. Later, I was employed as a medical claims examiner for the U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Workers’ Compensation (OWCP), Employment Standards Administration (ESA), General Services Administration (GSA).
During seventeen years of residency in the Village of Lombard as a homeowner, I have participated as an active volunteer for the Lombard Service League, Friends of the Helen M. Plum Library Committee, Friends of the Park, the Lombard Garden Club, Friends of the Court in Wheaton, Court Advocacy Programs in Illinois; as well as faculty and committee/community volunteer at the College of DuPage, for the Latin American Studies Committee with Zinta Conrad and the European Heritage Committee with Ann Cotton.
While I growing up, I never had to worry about having a roof above my head and a place to live, until I moved to the Village of Lombard, Du Page County, Illinois, in the United States of America. My great-grandparents and great-great grandparents in mainland China, Taiwan, and Cuba, all owned their own real estate property, private homes, and purchased land parcels to lease to others. All American family members living throughout the United States of America, have real estate holdings today under the same family name. As the eldest daughter of an attorney, judge, and university professor, I was fortunate to have been born with the same family name and real estate land holdings and accounts where my name was listed. Only the Village of Lombard in the York Township community has questioned my human rights in housing under the law after seventeen years (17) years of homeownership as a Lombard resident and U.S. citizen in the State of Illinois during the 21st century—after my Father and I, purchased a Lombard Historical Brick Bungalow at 502 S. Westmore Avenue, at the corner of Washington Boulevard, one block northwest from Westmore Elementary School and one block southeast from St. Pius X Catholic Church and School, only three blocks from the Illinois Secretary of State Drivers Vehicle Facility at the Eastgate Shopping Center along Westmore-Meyers Road and half a mile from the York Township Community Center. For the last seventeen (17) years, the Village of Lombard has been denying U.S. Constitutional rights in housing under the law in the State of Illinois to me as a Lombard resident homeowner and U.S. citizen in the State of Illinois. And for the same period, the Village of Lombard Town Hall, Police and Fire Department, have been using me, as a Victim of Crime while being a working Lombard resident homeowner and U.S. citizen, in Du Page County, Illinois in the United States of America. Thus, the Village of Lombard, Town Hall, Police and Fire Department, including Du Page County have been violating my human rights in housing under the law and the Constitution of the State of Illinois, in the U.S.A. today.
For the record, the Hung Family purchased the Lombard Brick Bungalow on September 2, 1993 and moved to the Village of Lombard in DuPage County, Illinois during the Autumn 1993 from the Northwest side of Chicago, Cook County. The Hung Family have been Lombard resident homeowners at the corner of 502 S. Westmore-Meyers Road and Washington Boulevard, near Saint Pius X Catholic Church and Westmore Elementary School, all victims of heinous hate crimes, criminal disaster demolition, persecution, harassment, and physical abuse, car accidents, and forced hospitalizations in DuPage County, Illinois USA. The Village of Lombard and DuPage County, have been stealing from the Hung Family personal, family belongings, household electronics, kitchen equipment, and professional company assets and resources belonging to the company Communications, Languages & Culture, Inc. without compensating or restituting the Estate of Mr. Roberto Hung and Family and/or the company Communications, Languages & Culture, Inc. in the State of Illinois, United States of America.
The Village of Lombard is denying me human rights in housing under the law as a Lombard Victim of Heinous Hate Crimes, during seventeen (17) years of living in Du Page County as resident homeowner and U.S. citizen, when David Hulseberg continues in the refusal to provide lawful lodging, compensation, and restitution for criminal disaster roofing damages and losses, considered to be violations of the Bill of Rights under the Constitution of the State of Illinois.
During 2009-2010 and the celebration of the Bicentennial of the late President Abraham Lincoln’s two hundredth anniversary, the Constitution of the State of Illinois still upholds “inherent and inalienable human rights” listed under the Bill of Rights, Section 1, Section 2, Section 6, Section 8.1, Section 12, Section 15, Section 17, Section 18, Section 20, Section 23, Section 24, as follow:
Inherent and Inalienable Rights
All men (and women) are by nature free and independent and have certain inherent
and inalienable rights among which are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. To
secure these rights and the protection of property, governments are instituted among
men (and women) deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.
Due Process and Equal Protection
No person shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law nor be
be denied the equal protection of the laws.
Searches, Seizures, Privacy and Interceptions
The people shall have the right to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and other
possessions against unreasonable searches, seizures, invasions of privacy or
interceptions of communications by eavesdropping devices or other means. No warrant
shall be issued without probable cause, supported by affidavit particularly describing the
place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized.
Crime Victims’ Rights
(a) Crime Victims, as defined by law, shall have the following rights as provided by law:
(1) The right to be treated with fairness and respect for their dignity and privacy throughout the criminal justice process.
(2) The right to notification of court proceedings.
(3) The right to communicate with the prosecution.
(4) The right to make a statement to the court at sentencing.
(5) The right to information about the conviction, sentence, imprisonment, and release of the accused.
(6) The right to timely disposition of the case following the arrest of the accused.
(7) The right to be reasonably protected from the accused throughout the criminal justice process.
(8) The right to be present at the trial and all other court proceedings on the same basis as the accused, unless the victim is to testify and the court determines that the victim’s testimony would be materially affected if the victim hears other testimony at the trial.
(9) The right to have present at all court proceedings, subject to the rules of evidence, an advocate or other support person of the victim’s choice.
(10) The right to restitution.
(b) The Illinois General Assembly may provide the law for the enforcement of this Section.
(c) The Illinois General Assembly may provide for the assessment against convicted defendants to pay for the crime victims’ rights.
(d) Nothing in this Section or in any law enacted under this Section shall be construed as creating a basis for vacating a conviction or a ground for appellate relief in any criminal case. (Section 8.1 added by the Seventh Amendment to the Constitution. Approved November 3, 1992, effective November 23, 1992).
Right to Remedy and Justice
Every person shall find a certain remedy in the laws for all injuries and wrongs which he receives to his (or her) person, privacy, property or reputation. He (or She) shall obtain justice by law, freely, completely, and promptly.
Right to Eminent Domain
Private property shall not be taken or damaged for public use without just compensation as provided by law. Such compensation shall be determined by a jury as provided by law.
No Discrimination in Employment or in the Sale or Rental of Property
All persons have the right to be free from discrimination on the basis of race, color, creed, national ancestry and sex in the hiring and promotion of any employer or in the sale or rental of property.
These rights are enforceable without action by the Illinois General Assembly, but the Illinois General Assembly by law may establish reasonable exemptions relating to these rights and provide additional remedies for their violation.
No Discrimination on the Basis of Sex
The equal protection of the laws shall not be denied or abridged on account of sex by the State of Illinois or its units of local government and school districts.
Individual Dignity
To promote individual dignity, communications that portray criminality, depravity or lack of virtue in, or that incite violence, hatred, abuse or hostility toward a person or group of persons by reason or by reference to religious, racial, ethnic, national or regional affiliation are condemned.
Fundamental Principles
A frequent recurrence to the fundamental principles of civil government is necessary to preserve the blessings of liberty. These blessings cannot endure unless the people (of the State of Illinois) recognize their corresponding individual obligations and responsibilities.
Right Retained
The enumeration in this Constitution (of the State of Illinois) of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the individual citizens of the State of Illinois.
Illinois Blue Book of Government, 2009-2010. Edited by Jesse White Secretary of State.
For the last seventeen (17) years, the Village of Lombard has been denying U.S. Constitutional rights in housing under the law in the State of Illinois to me as a Lombard resident homeowner and U.S. citizen in the State of Illinois. And for the same period, the Village of Lombard Town Hall, Police and Fire Department, have been using me, as a Victim of Crime while being a working Lombard resident homeowner and U.S. citizen, in Du Page County, Illinois in the United States of America. Thus, the Village of Lombard, Town Hall, Police and Fire Department, including Du Page County have been violating my human rights in housing under the law and the Constitution of the State of Illinois, in the U.S.A. today.
Lombard Policeman Fractured Right Toe on the foot of Gardenia C. Hung causing a hammertoe and a pigeon foot in the Village of Lombard, without reason
For the last seventeen (17) years, I have worked as a legal, medical, technical interpreter and translator while I have lived in the Village of Lombard, in the Counties of Du Page, Cook, Will, Kane, Grundy, LaSalle, Lake in Illinois, United States of America. During the same period of time, I have been employed as a certified freelance court interpreter and translator for Interlate Systems, Inc. in Elgin and Aurora, Arroyave Languages Academy in Arlington Heights and Highland Park, Palencia Language Services in Chicago, Accurate Translations Bureau in Hinsdale, and other translation agencies in the U.S.A. I have been an active member of the Chicago Area Translators and Interpreters Association (CHICATA), the American Translators Association (ATA), the International Federation of Translators (FIT) I have been commissioned as an Illinois Notary Public in Cook and Du Page County, Illinois. In addition, I have worked as faculty at the College of Du Page in Glen Ellyn and Lombard for Good Samaritan Hospital, Central Du Page Hospital, National Chiropractic College (NCC) , also known as the University of Health and Sciences in Lombard, as well as for other companies sponsored by the College of Du Page Business Institute Programs for Health Communications.
Prior to living in the western suburbs, during January 1991, I resided on the northwest side of Chicago, while I worked as certified interpreter and translator for Action Translation Bureau in Palos Heights and Carmen Kenny and Associates in Arlington Heights, Illinois upon assignment at the Illinois Industrial Commission Arbitration Center for Workers’ Compensation . In addition, I was hired for temporary assignment by Diplomatic Languages Services based in Arlington, Virginia. Later, I was employed as a medical claims examiner for the U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Workers’ Compensation (OWCP), Employment Standards Administration (ESA), General Services Administration (GSA).
During seventeen years of residency in the Village of Lombard as a homeowner, I have participated as an active volunteer for the Lombard Service League, Friends of the Helen M. Plum Library Committee, Friends of the Park, the Lombard Garden Club, Friends of the Court in Wheaton, Court Advocacy Programs in Illinois; as well as faculty and committee/community volunteer at the College of DuPage, for the Latin American Studies Committee with Zinta Conrad and the European Heritage Committee with Ann Cotton.
While I growing up, I never had to worry about having a roof above my head and a place to live, until I moved to the Village of Lombard, Du Page County, Illinois, in the United States of America. My great-grandparents and great-great grandparents in mainland China, Taiwan, and Cuba, all owned their own real estate property, private homes, and purchased land parcels to lease to others. All American family members living throughout the United States of America, have real estate holdings today under the same family name. As the eldest daughter of an attorney, judge, and university professor, I was fortunate to have been born with the same family name and real estate land holdings and accounts where my name was listed. Only the Village of Lombard in the York Township community has questioned my human rights in housing under the law after seventeen years (17) years of homeownership as a Lombard resident and U.S. citizen in the State of Illinois during the 21st century—after my Father and I, purchased a Lombard Historical Brick Bungalow at 502 S. Westmore Avenue, at the corner of Washington Boulevard, one block northwest from Westmore Elementary School and one block southeast from St. Pius X Catholic Church and School, only three blocks from the Illinois Secretary of State Drivers Vehicle Facility at the Eastgate Shopping Center along Westmore-Meyers Road and half a mile from the York Township Community Center. For the last seventeen (17) years, the Village of Lombard has been denying U.S. Constitutional rights in housing under the law in the State of Illinois to me as a Lombard resident homeowner and U.S. citizen in the State of Illinois. And for the same period, the Village of Lombard Town Hall, Police and Fire Department, have been using me, as a Victim of Crime while being a working Lombard resident homeowner and U.S. citizen, in Du Page County, Illinois in the United States of America. Thus, the Village of Lombard, Town Hall, Police and Fire Department, including Du Page County have been violating my human rights in housing under the law and the Constitution of the State of Illinois, in the U.S.A. today.
For the record, the Hung Family purchased the Lombard Brick Bungalow on September 2, 1993 and moved to the Village of Lombard in DuPage County, Illinois during the Autumn 1993 from the Northwest side of Chicago, Cook County. The Hung Family have been Lombard resident homeowners at the corner of 502 S. Westmore-Meyers Road and Washington Boulevard, near Saint Pius X Catholic Church and Westmore Elementary School, all victims of heinous hate crimes, criminal disaster demolition, persecution, harassment, and physical abuse, car accidents, and forced hospitalizations in DuPage County, Illinois USA. The Village of Lombard and DuPage County, have been stealing from the Hung Family personal, family belongings, household electronics, kitchen equipment, and professional company assets and resources belonging to the company Communications, Languages & Culture, Inc. without compensating or restituting the Estate of Mr. Roberto Hung and Family and/or the company Communications, Languages & Culture, Inc. in the State of Illinois, United States of America.
The Village of Lombard is denying me human rights in housing under the law as a Lombard Victim of Heinous Hate Crimes, during seventeen (17) years of living in Du Page County as resident homeowner and U.S. citizen, when David Hulseberg continues in the refusal to provide lawful lodging, compensation, and restitution for criminal disaster roofing damages and losses, considered to be violations of the Bill of Rights under the Constitution of the State of Illinois.
During 2009-2010 and the celebration of the Bicentennial of the late President Abraham Lincoln’s two hundredth anniversary, the Constitution of the State of Illinois still upholds “inherent and inalienable human rights” listed under the Bill of Rights, Section 1, Section 2, Section 6, Section 8.1, Section 12, Section 15, Section 17, Section 18, Section 20, Section 23, Section 24, as follow:
Inherent and Inalienable Rights
All men (and women) are by nature free and independent and have certain inherent
and inalienable rights among which are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. To
secure these rights and the protection of property, governments are instituted among
men (and women) deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.
Due Process and Equal Protection
No person shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law nor be
be denied the equal protection of the laws.
Searches, Seizures, Privacy and Interceptions
The people shall have the right to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and other
possessions against unreasonable searches, seizures, invasions of privacy or
interceptions of communications by eavesdropping devices or other means. No warrant
shall be issued without probable cause, supported by affidavit particularly describing the
place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized.
Crime Victims’ Rights
(a) Crime Victims, as defined by law, shall have the following rights as provided by law:
(1) The right to be treated with fairness and respect for their dignity and privacy throughout the criminal justice process.
(2) The right to notification of court proceedings.
(3) The right to communicate with the prosecution.
(4) The right to make a statement to the court at sentencing.
(5) The right to information about the conviction, sentence, imprisonment, and release of the accused.
(6) The right to timely disposition of the case following the arrest of the accused.
(7) The right to be reasonably protected from the accused throughout the criminal justice process.
(8) The right to be present at the trial and all other court proceedings on the same basis as the accused, unless the victim is to testify and the court determines that the victim’s testimony would be materially affected if the victim hears other testimony at the trial.
(9) The right to have present at all court proceedings, subject to the rules of evidence, an advocate or other support person of the victim’s choice.
(10) The right to restitution.
(b) The Illinois General Assembly may provide the law for the enforcement of this Section.
(c) The Illinois General Assembly may provide for the assessment against convicted defendants to pay for the crime victims’ rights.
(d) Nothing in this Section or in any law enacted under this Section shall be construed as creating a basis for vacating a conviction or a ground for appellate relief in any criminal case. (Section 8.1 added by the Seventh Amendment to the Constitution. Approved November 3, 1992, effective November 23, 1992).
Right to Remedy and Justice
Every person shall find a certain remedy in the laws for all injuries and wrongs which he receives to his (or her) person, privacy, property or reputation. He (or She) shall obtain justice by law, freely, completely, and promptly.
Right to Eminent Domain
Private property shall not be taken or damaged for public use without just compensation as provided by law. Such compensation shall be determined by a jury as provided by law.
No Discrimination in Employment or in the Sale or Rental of Property
All persons have the right to be free from discrimination on the basis of race, color, creed, national ancestry and sex in the hiring and promotion of any employer or in the sale or rental of property.
These rights are enforceable without action by the Illinois General Assembly, but the Illinois General Assembly by law may establish reasonable exemptions relating to these rights and provide additional remedies for their violation.
No Discrimination on the Basis of Sex
The equal protection of the laws shall not be denied or abridged on account of sex by the State of Illinois or its units of local government and school districts.
Individual Dignity
To promote individual dignity, communications that portray criminality, depravity or lack of virtue in, or that incite violence, hatred, abuse or hostility toward a person or group of persons by reason or by reference to religious, racial, ethnic, national or regional affiliation are condemned.
Fundamental Principles
A frequent recurrence to the fundamental principles of civil government is necessary to preserve the blessings of liberty. These blessings cannot endure unless the people (of the State of Illinois) recognize their corresponding individual obligations and responsibilities.
Right Retained
The enumeration in this Constitution (of the State of Illinois) of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the individual citizens of the State of Illinois.
Illinois Blue Book of Government, 2009-2010. Edited by Jesse White Secretary of State.
For the last seventeen (17) years, the Village of Lombard has been denying U.S. Constitutional rights in housing under the law in the State of Illinois to me as a Lombard resident homeowner and U.S. citizen in the State of Illinois. And for the same period, the Village of Lombard Town Hall, Police and Fire Department, have been using me, as a Victim of Crime while being a working Lombard resident homeowner and U.S. citizen, in Du Page County, Illinois in the United States of America. Thus, the Village of Lombard, Town Hall, Police and Fire Department, including Du Page County have been violating my human rights in housing under the law and the Constitution of the State of Illinois, in the U.S.A. today.
Lombard Policeman Fractured Right Toe on the foot of Gardenia C. Hung causing a hammertoe and a pigeon foot in the Village of Lombard, without reason
Monday, October 18, 2010
A Question of Human Rights
A Question of Human Rights in Housing Under the Law
While I growing up, I never had to worry about having a roof above my head and a place to live, until I moved to the Village of Lombard, Du Page County, Illinois, in the United States of America. My great-grandparents and great-great grandparents in mainland China, Taiwan, and Cuba, all owned their own real estate property, private homes, and purchased land parcels to lease to others. All American family members living throughout the United States of America, have real estate holdings today under the same family name. As the eldest daughter of an attorney, judge, and university professor, I was fortunate to have been born with the same family name and real estate land holdings and accounts where my name was listed. Only the Village of Lombard in the York Township community has questioned my human rights in housing under the law after seventeen years (17) years of homeownership as a Lombard resident and U.S. citizen in the State of Illinois during the 21st century—after my Father and I, purchased a Lombard Historical Brick Bungalow at 502 S. Westmore Avenue, at the corner of Washington Boulevard, one block northwest from Westmore Elementary School and one block southeast from St. Pius X Catholic Church and School, only three blocks from the Illinois Secretary of State Drivers Vehicle Facility at the Eastgate Shopping Center along Westmore-Meyers Road and half a mile from the York Township Community Center. For the last seventeen (17) years, the Village of Lombard has been denying U.S. Constitutional rights in housing under the law in the State of Illinois to me as a Lombard resident homeowner and U.S. citizen in the State of Illinois. And for the same period, the Village of Lombard Town Hall, Police and Fire Department, have been using me, as a Victim of Crime while being a working Lombard resident homeowner and U.S. citizen, in Du Page County, Illinois in the United States of America. Thus, the Village of Lombard, Town Hall, Police and Fire Department, including Du Page County have been violating my human rights in housing under the law and the Constitution of the State of Illinois, in the U.S.A. today.
For the record, the Hung Family purchased the Lombard Brick Bungalow on September 2, 1993 and moved to the Village of Lombard in DuPage County, Illinois during the Autumn 1993 from the Northwest side of Chicago, Cook County. The Hung Family have been Lombard resident homeowners at the corner of 502 S. Westmore-Meyers Road and Washington Boulevard, near Saint Pius X Catholic Church and Westmore Elementary School, all victims of heinous hate crimes, criminal disaster demolition, persecution, harassment, and physical abuse, car accidents, and forced hospitalizations in DuPage County, Illinois USA. The Village of Lombard and DuPage County, have been stealing from the Hung Family personal, family belongings, household electronics, kitchen equipment, and professional company assets and resources belonging to the company Communications, Languages & Culture, Inc. without compensating or restituting the Estate of Mr. Roberto Hung and Family and/or the company Communications, Languages & Culture, Inc. in the State of Illinois, United States of America.
The Village of Lombard is denying me human rights in housing under the law as a Lombard Victim of Heinous Hate Crimes, during seventeen (17) years of living in Du Page County as resident homeowner and U.S. citizen, when David Hulseberg continues in the refusal to provide lawful lodging, compensation, and restitution for criminal disaster roofing damages and losses, considered to be violations of the Bill of Rights under the Constitution of the State of Illinois.
During 2009-2010 and the celebration of the Bicentennial of the late President Abraham Lincoln’s two hundredth anniversary, the Constitution of the State of Illinois still upholds “inherent and inalienable human rights” listed under the Bill of Rights, Section 1, Section 2, Section 6, Section 8.1, Section 12, Section 15, Section 17, Section 18, Section 20, Section 23, Section 24, as follow:
Inherent and Inalienable Rights
All men (and women) are by nature free and independent and have certain inherent
and inalienable rights among which are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. To
secure these rights and the protection of property, governments are instituted among
men (and women) deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.
Due Process and Equal Protection
No person shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law nor be
be denied the equal protection of the laws.
Searches, Seizures, Privacy and Interceptions
The people shall have the right to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and other
possessions against unreasonable searches, seizures, invasions of privacy or
interceptions of communications by eavesdropping devices or other means. No warrant
shall be issued without probable cause, supported by affidavit particularly describing the
place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized.
Crime Victims’ Rights
(a) Crime Victims, as defined by law, shall have the following rights as provided by law:
(1) The right to be treated with fairness and respect for their dignity and privacy throughout the criminal justice process.
(2) The right to notification of court proceedings.
(3) The right to communicate with the prosecution.
(4) The right to make a statement to the court at sentencing.
(5) The right to information about the conviction, sentence, imprisonment, and release of the accused.
(6) The right to timely disposition of the case following the arrest of the accused.
(7) The right to be reasonably protected from the accused throughout the criminal justice process.
(8) The right to be present at the trial and all other court proceedings on the same basis as the accused, unless the victim is to testify and the court determines that the victim’s testimony would be materially affected if the victim hears other testimony at the trial.
(9) The right to have present at all court proceedings, subject to the rules of evidence, an advocate or other support person of the victim’s choice.
(10) The right to restitution.
(b) The Illinois General Assembly may provide the law for the enforcement of this Section.
(c) The Illinois General Assembly may provide for the assessment against convicted defendants to pay for the crime victims’ rights.
(d) Nothing in this Section or in any law enacted under this Section shall be construed as creating a basis for vacating a conviction or a ground for appellate relief in any criminal case. (Section 8.1 added by the Seventh Amendment to the Constitution. Approved November 3, 1992, effective November 23, 1992).
Right to Remedy and Justice
Every person shall find a certain remedy in the laws for all injuries and wrongs which he receives to his (or her) person, privacy, property or reputation. He (or She) shall obtain justice by law, freely, completely, and promptly.
Right to Eminent Domain
Private property shall not be taken or damaged for public use without just compensation as provided by law. Such compensation shall be determined by a jury as provided by law.
No Discrimination in Employment or in the Sale or Rental of Property
All persons have the right to be free from discrimination on the basis of race, color, creed, national ancestry and sex in the hiring and promotion of any employer or in the sale or rental of property.
These rights are enforceable without action by the Illinois General Assembly, but the Illinois General Assembly by law may establish reasonable exemptions relating to these rights and provide additional remedies for their violation.
No Discrimination on the Basis of Sex
The equal protection of the laws shall not be denied or abridged on account of sex by the State of Illinois or its units of local government and school districts.
Individual Dignity
To promote individual dignity, communications that portray criminality, depravity or lack of virtue in, or that incite violence, hatred, abuse or hostility toward a person or group of persons by reason or by reference to religious, racial, ethnic, national or regional affiliation are condemned.
Fundamental Principles
A frequent recurrence to the fundamental principles of civil government is necessary to preserve the blessings of liberty. These blessings cannot endure unless the people (of the State of Illinois) recognize their corresponding individual obligations and responsibilities.
Right Retained
The enumeration in this Constitution (of the State of Illinois) of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the individual citizens of the State of Illinois.
Illinois Blue Book of Government, 2009-2010. Edited by Jesse White Secretary of State.
For the last seventeen (17) years, the Village of Lombard has been denying U.S. Constitutional rights in housing under the law in the State of Illinois to me as a Lombard resident homeowner and U.S. citizen in the State of Illinois. And for the same period, the Village of Lombard Town Hall, Police and Fire Department, have been using me, as a Victim of Crime while being a working Lombard resident homeowner and U.S. citizen, in Du Page County, Illinois in the United States of America. Thus, the Village of Lombard, Town Hall, Police and Fire Department, including Du Page County have been violating my human rights in housing under the law and the Constitution of the State of Illinois, in the U.S.A.
While I growing up, I never had to worry about having a roof above my head and a place to live, until I moved to the Village of Lombard, Du Page County, Illinois, in the United States of America. My great-grandparents and great-great grandparents in mainland China, Taiwan, and Cuba, all owned their own real estate property, private homes, and purchased land parcels to lease to others. All American family members living throughout the United States of America, have real estate holdings today under the same family name. As the eldest daughter of an attorney, judge, and university professor, I was fortunate to have been born with the same family name and real estate land holdings and accounts where my name was listed. Only the Village of Lombard in the York Township community has questioned my human rights in housing under the law after seventeen years (17) years of homeownership as a Lombard resident and U.S. citizen in the State of Illinois during the 21st century—after my Father and I, purchased a Lombard Historical Brick Bungalow at 502 S. Westmore Avenue, at the corner of Washington Boulevard, one block northwest from Westmore Elementary School and one block southeast from St. Pius X Catholic Church and School, only three blocks from the Illinois Secretary of State Drivers Vehicle Facility at the Eastgate Shopping Center along Westmore-Meyers Road and half a mile from the York Township Community Center. For the last seventeen (17) years, the Village of Lombard has been denying U.S. Constitutional rights in housing under the law in the State of Illinois to me as a Lombard resident homeowner and U.S. citizen in the State of Illinois. And for the same period, the Village of Lombard Town Hall, Police and Fire Department, have been using me, as a Victim of Crime while being a working Lombard resident homeowner and U.S. citizen, in Du Page County, Illinois in the United States of America. Thus, the Village of Lombard, Town Hall, Police and Fire Department, including Du Page County have been violating my human rights in housing under the law and the Constitution of the State of Illinois, in the U.S.A. today.
For the record, the Hung Family purchased the Lombard Brick Bungalow on September 2, 1993 and moved to the Village of Lombard in DuPage County, Illinois during the Autumn 1993 from the Northwest side of Chicago, Cook County. The Hung Family have been Lombard resident homeowners at the corner of 502 S. Westmore-Meyers Road and Washington Boulevard, near Saint Pius X Catholic Church and Westmore Elementary School, all victims of heinous hate crimes, criminal disaster demolition, persecution, harassment, and physical abuse, car accidents, and forced hospitalizations in DuPage County, Illinois USA. The Village of Lombard and DuPage County, have been stealing from the Hung Family personal, family belongings, household electronics, kitchen equipment, and professional company assets and resources belonging to the company Communications, Languages & Culture, Inc. without compensating or restituting the Estate of Mr. Roberto Hung and Family and/or the company Communications, Languages & Culture, Inc. in the State of Illinois, United States of America.
The Village of Lombard is denying me human rights in housing under the law as a Lombard Victim of Heinous Hate Crimes, during seventeen (17) years of living in Du Page County as resident homeowner and U.S. citizen, when David Hulseberg continues in the refusal to provide lawful lodging, compensation, and restitution for criminal disaster roofing damages and losses, considered to be violations of the Bill of Rights under the Constitution of the State of Illinois.
During 2009-2010 and the celebration of the Bicentennial of the late President Abraham Lincoln’s two hundredth anniversary, the Constitution of the State of Illinois still upholds “inherent and inalienable human rights” listed under the Bill of Rights, Section 1, Section 2, Section 6, Section 8.1, Section 12, Section 15, Section 17, Section 18, Section 20, Section 23, Section 24, as follow:
Inherent and Inalienable Rights
All men (and women) are by nature free and independent and have certain inherent
and inalienable rights among which are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. To
secure these rights and the protection of property, governments are instituted among
men (and women) deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.
Due Process and Equal Protection
No person shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law nor be
be denied the equal protection of the laws.
Searches, Seizures, Privacy and Interceptions
The people shall have the right to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and other
possessions against unreasonable searches, seizures, invasions of privacy or
interceptions of communications by eavesdropping devices or other means. No warrant
shall be issued without probable cause, supported by affidavit particularly describing the
place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized.
Crime Victims’ Rights
(a) Crime Victims, as defined by law, shall have the following rights as provided by law:
(1) The right to be treated with fairness and respect for their dignity and privacy throughout the criminal justice process.
(2) The right to notification of court proceedings.
(3) The right to communicate with the prosecution.
(4) The right to make a statement to the court at sentencing.
(5) The right to information about the conviction, sentence, imprisonment, and release of the accused.
(6) The right to timely disposition of the case following the arrest of the accused.
(7) The right to be reasonably protected from the accused throughout the criminal justice process.
(8) The right to be present at the trial and all other court proceedings on the same basis as the accused, unless the victim is to testify and the court determines that the victim’s testimony would be materially affected if the victim hears other testimony at the trial.
(9) The right to have present at all court proceedings, subject to the rules of evidence, an advocate or other support person of the victim’s choice.
(10) The right to restitution.
(b) The Illinois General Assembly may provide the law for the enforcement of this Section.
(c) The Illinois General Assembly may provide for the assessment against convicted defendants to pay for the crime victims’ rights.
(d) Nothing in this Section or in any law enacted under this Section shall be construed as creating a basis for vacating a conviction or a ground for appellate relief in any criminal case. (Section 8.1 added by the Seventh Amendment to the Constitution. Approved November 3, 1992, effective November 23, 1992).
Right to Remedy and Justice
Every person shall find a certain remedy in the laws for all injuries and wrongs which he receives to his (or her) person, privacy, property or reputation. He (or She) shall obtain justice by law, freely, completely, and promptly.
Right to Eminent Domain
Private property shall not be taken or damaged for public use without just compensation as provided by law. Such compensation shall be determined by a jury as provided by law.
No Discrimination in Employment or in the Sale or Rental of Property
All persons have the right to be free from discrimination on the basis of race, color, creed, national ancestry and sex in the hiring and promotion of any employer or in the sale or rental of property.
These rights are enforceable without action by the Illinois General Assembly, but the Illinois General Assembly by law may establish reasonable exemptions relating to these rights and provide additional remedies for their violation.
No Discrimination on the Basis of Sex
The equal protection of the laws shall not be denied or abridged on account of sex by the State of Illinois or its units of local government and school districts.
Individual Dignity
To promote individual dignity, communications that portray criminality, depravity or lack of virtue in, or that incite violence, hatred, abuse or hostility toward a person or group of persons by reason or by reference to religious, racial, ethnic, national or regional affiliation are condemned.
Fundamental Principles
A frequent recurrence to the fundamental principles of civil government is necessary to preserve the blessings of liberty. These blessings cannot endure unless the people (of the State of Illinois) recognize their corresponding individual obligations and responsibilities.
Right Retained
The enumeration in this Constitution (of the State of Illinois) of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the individual citizens of the State of Illinois.
Illinois Blue Book of Government, 2009-2010. Edited by Jesse White Secretary of State.
For the last seventeen (17) years, the Village of Lombard has been denying U.S. Constitutional rights in housing under the law in the State of Illinois to me as a Lombard resident homeowner and U.S. citizen in the State of Illinois. And for the same period, the Village of Lombard Town Hall, Police and Fire Department, have been using me, as a Victim of Crime while being a working Lombard resident homeowner and U.S. citizen, in Du Page County, Illinois in the United States of America. Thus, the Village of Lombard, Town Hall, Police and Fire Department, including Du Page County have been violating my human rights in housing under the law and the Constitution of the State of Illinois, in the U.S.A.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
A Village of Thieves
What Happened To The Household Electronics and Kitchen Equipment during the Criminal Disaster Demolition at 502 S. Westmore-Meyers Road in the Village of Lombard, DuPage County, Illinois USA?
On Election Day, Tuesday, November 4, 2008, the Village of Lombard was eager to blow up Gardenia Hung’s Historic Brick Bungalow with a lot of expensive explosives purchased by the Lombard Fire Department underwritten by George Seagraves, Fire Chief, and the Lombard Police Department Explosives Squad. Everyone wondered, why the criminal demolition disaster had to be on Election Day 2008 when incumbent President George W. Bush was running neck and neck with President-To-Be Barack H. Obama? The answer is that Keith Steiskal and the Lombard and Police Department were in a hurry and rushed to blow up Gardenia Hung’s Historic Brick Bungalow Lombard as soon as possible with cheers to leave the Hung Family homeless and dispossessed in the York Township District of DuPage County, Illinois USA.
The Lombard Fire Chief and Keith Steiskal were arrested to prevent them from blowing up the Hung Family Brick Bungalow on Tuesday, Election Day. However, they were released to do the Criminal Disaster Demolition on Wednesday, November 5, 2008. Gardenia C. Hung noticed that Keith Steiskal was eager to remove her from the Hung Family residence at 502 S. Westmore-Meyers Road, when he ordered a taxi to take her to the Motel 66 on Roosevelt Road.
The plot was to pick up the Lombard resident after lunchtime and return to the Hung Family Brick Bungalow to pack and move out household and kitchen equipment. But, the taxi ordered by the Village of Lombard arrived early and left without Gardenia Hung, under the excuse that I was not there—even when the taxi driver was told to wait, he left in a hurry, without the Lombard resident homeowner. By the way, the taxi driver was paid by the Village of Lombard for the fare cab ride without the Lombard resident homeowner in the taxi.
Two years have passed since the Criminal Disaster Demolition at the Estate of Mr. Roberto Hung and Family…and the expensive household electronics for video recording, Toshiba Large Screen Television, Panasonic DVD player, VCRs, Sony Stereophonic Sound Equipment, Kitchen Equipment, and designer fashionable clothing, personal toiletry, miscellaneous belongings have been in the possession of the Village of Lombard and DuPage County without compensating the Hung Family or providing restitution for the stolen electronics belonging to Gardenia Hung and company business for Communications, Languages & Culture, Inc.
For the record, the Hung Family purchased the Lombard Brick Bungalow on September 2, 1993 and moved to the Village of Lombard in DuPage County, Illinois during the Autumn 1993 from the Northwest side of Chicago, Cook County. Since the Hung Family lived in the Village of Lombard, they supported the local electronics stores at Circuit City in Downers Grove, Sears Roebuck and Company in Oak Brook, Montgomery Ward, Carson Pirie Scott, Marshall Field’s, by purchasing household electronics and kitchen equipment in the Yorktown area, DuPage County, Illinois USA. In addition, Nathan S. Wittler purchased new living room furniture, a new Teak Wood Dining Room Set for Eight People and a China cabinet, along with a new Teak Wood Master Bedroom Set with Vanity and Two Dresser Drawers, Night Stand Tables.
The Hung Family, Lombard resident homeowners at the corner of 502 S. Westmore-Meyers Road and Washington Boulevard, near Saint Pius X Catholic Church and Westmore Elementary School, have been all victims of heinous hate crimes, criminal disaster demolition, persecution, harassment, and physical abuse, car accidents, and forced hospitalizations in DuPage County, Illinois USA. The Village of Lombard and DuPage County, have been stealing from the Hung Family household electronics, kitchen equipment, and professional company assets and resources belonging to the company Communications, Languages & Culture, Inc. without compensating or restituting the Estate of Mr. Roberto Hung and Family and/or the company Communications, Languages & Culture, Inc. in the State of Illinois, United States of America.
On Election Day, Tuesday, November 4, 2008, the Village of Lombard was eager to blow up Gardenia Hung’s Historic Brick Bungalow with a lot of expensive explosives purchased by the Lombard Fire Department underwritten by George Seagraves, Fire Chief, and the Lombard Police Department Explosives Squad. Everyone wondered, why the criminal demolition disaster had to be on Election Day 2008 when incumbent President George W. Bush was running neck and neck with President-To-Be Barack H. Obama? The answer is that Keith Steiskal and the Lombard and Police Department were in a hurry and rushed to blow up Gardenia Hung’s Historic Brick Bungalow Lombard as soon as possible with cheers to leave the Hung Family homeless and dispossessed in the York Township District of DuPage County, Illinois USA.
The Lombard Fire Chief and Keith Steiskal were arrested to prevent them from blowing up the Hung Family Brick Bungalow on Tuesday, Election Day. However, they were released to do the Criminal Disaster Demolition on Wednesday, November 5, 2008. Gardenia C. Hung noticed that Keith Steiskal was eager to remove her from the Hung Family residence at 502 S. Westmore-Meyers Road, when he ordered a taxi to take her to the Motel 66 on Roosevelt Road.
The plot was to pick up the Lombard resident after lunchtime and return to the Hung Family Brick Bungalow to pack and move out household and kitchen equipment. But, the taxi ordered by the Village of Lombard arrived early and left without Gardenia Hung, under the excuse that I was not there—even when the taxi driver was told to wait, he left in a hurry, without the Lombard resident homeowner. By the way, the taxi driver was paid by the Village of Lombard for the fare cab ride without the Lombard resident homeowner in the taxi.
Two years have passed since the Criminal Disaster Demolition at the Estate of Mr. Roberto Hung and Family…and the expensive household electronics for video recording, Toshiba Large Screen Television, Panasonic DVD player, VCRs, Sony Stereophonic Sound Equipment, Kitchen Equipment, and designer fashionable clothing, personal toiletry, miscellaneous belongings have been in the possession of the Village of Lombard and DuPage County without compensating the Hung Family or providing restitution for the stolen electronics belonging to Gardenia Hung and company business for Communications, Languages & Culture, Inc.
For the record, the Hung Family purchased the Lombard Brick Bungalow on September 2, 1993 and moved to the Village of Lombard in DuPage County, Illinois during the Autumn 1993 from the Northwest side of Chicago, Cook County. Since the Hung Family lived in the Village of Lombard, they supported the local electronics stores at Circuit City in Downers Grove, Sears Roebuck and Company in Oak Brook, Montgomery Ward, Carson Pirie Scott, Marshall Field’s, by purchasing household electronics and kitchen equipment in the Yorktown area, DuPage County, Illinois USA. In addition, Nathan S. Wittler purchased new living room furniture, a new Teak Wood Dining Room Set for Eight People and a China cabinet, along with a new Teak Wood Master Bedroom Set with Vanity and Two Dresser Drawers, Night Stand Tables.
The Hung Family, Lombard resident homeowners at the corner of 502 S. Westmore-Meyers Road and Washington Boulevard, near Saint Pius X Catholic Church and Westmore Elementary School, have been all victims of heinous hate crimes, criminal disaster demolition, persecution, harassment, and physical abuse, car accidents, and forced hospitalizations in DuPage County, Illinois USA. The Village of Lombard and DuPage County, have been stealing from the Hung Family household electronics, kitchen equipment, and professional company assets and resources belonging to the company Communications, Languages & Culture, Inc. without compensating or restituting the Estate of Mr. Roberto Hung and Family and/or the company Communications, Languages & Culture, Inc. in the State of Illinois, United States of America.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Lombard Police & Fire Department Caused All The Damages for Hung.wmv
June 10, 2010: Before Lombard Criminal Disaster
Gardenia C. | MySpace Video
Unauthorized trespassers allowed by the Village of Lombard Police, pulled out roofing and wooden structure beams from the Lombard home owned by Mr. Roberto Hung and Family at 502 S. Westmore-Meyers Road and Washington Boulevard, one block northeast from St. Pius X Catholic Church and School and one block south from Westmore Elementary School during June 18, 2005.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Abuse of U.S. Constitutional Civil Rights by the Village of Lombard in DuPage County, Illinois USA
Gardenia Hung-Wittler is the Lombard Victim of Criminal Disaster and Abuse of U.S. Constitutional Civil Rights and Human Rights by the Village of Lombard Police and Fire Department during the Disaster Demolition of the Hung Family Lombard Real Estate at 502 South Westmore-Meyers Road & Washington Boulevard, in DuPage County, Illinois 60148 USA
My name is Gardenia Hung-Wittler, a Lombard Resident Homeowner and U.S. Citizen, Victim of Criminal Disaster and Abuse of U.S. Constitutional Civil Rights and Human Rights by the Village of Lombard managed by David Hulseberg and caused by the Lombard Police and Fire Department since my father, Mr. Roberto Hung purchased the Lombard Historic Brick Bungalow from September 1993 until the criminal disaster demolition on November 5, 2008 arranged by Keith Steiskal and Chief George Seagraves from the Lombard Fire Department. The Village of Lombard is refusing to provide lodging, storage, and/or compensation for the criminal disaster demolition, the stolen property by the Lombard Police Department and others, and/or all the damages and losses incurred by Gardenia Hung-Wittler for the Estate of Mr. Roberto Hung and Family to include the company professional assets and equipment for Communications, Languages & Culture, Inc. During 2008 and 2009, I, Gardenia Hung-Wittler have not been notified nor received any of the legal Court Notices, Summons, and/or documentation regarding legal issues and criminal acts surrounding the stolen property at 502 S. Westmore-Meyers Road at the Estate of Mr. Roberto Hung & Family. For the record, I am an Illinois Notary Public in DuPage County, commissioned by the State of Illinois.
Gardenia Hung-Wittler is reporting abuse of U.S. Constitutional Civil Rights and Human Rights to appear as a Lombard resident homeowner and U.S. citizen, with rights to be informed and be included in the briefings regarding the legal matters surrounding criminal acts and actions against the Lombard Real Estate Property at 502 S. Westmore-Meyers Road in DuPage County, Illinois USA. During 2008, 2009, and 2010, and including previous years, the Village of Lombard and DuPage County in Illinois have been excluding from participating in the legal briefings, summons, court appearances, and other criminal matters and actions involving the Lombard Police and Fire Department.
I, Gardenia Hung-Wittler have not received any court orders, notices, or legal briefs regarding the criminal disaster and stolen property owned by the Estate of Mr. Roberto Hung and Family, to include Communications, Languages & Culture, Inc. The Village of Lombard has not been mailing any letter of apology, response to compensation and restitution, or provisions for the Lombard Victim of Criminal Disaster requesting lodging, storage facility, and cash remuneration for all stolen household items, damages, and losses incurred by the Estate of Mr. Roberto Hung and Family to include the company professional office assets for Communications, Languages & Culture Inc. in DuPage County, Illinois USA.
Upon review, all the professional electronics are useless and inoperative, which includes Hewlett Packard, Compaq Pressary, Sony, computers, faxes, printers, and other electronics have been broken and damaged when the cables were pulled out forcefully, and yanked out during the Disaster Demolition on Tuesday, November 4, and Wednesday, November 5, 2008. On that day, the Taxi that the Village of Lombard arranged to pick me up, left early and did not pick me up at the Motel 66 located on Roosevelt Road near Ardmore Avenue in Villa Park. The Taxi left me behind at the Motel 66 and did not return to pick me up, but got paid for the day by the Village of Lombard, even when I was not in the taxi as a passenger.
I, Gardenia Hung-Wittler have been donating the remaining disaster items to the Salvation Army, AMVETS, St. Vincent De Paul, St. Pius X Catholic Church, Lombard United Methodist Church, Helen M. Plum Library, Villa Park Library, Addison Public Library,York Township Community Center, the Harvard Evangelical Free Church of Villa Park, and other people, groups, and organizations.
Overall, I, Gardenia Hung-Wittler have become a Lombard Victim of Criminal Disaster and Abuse of Human Rights arranged by the Village of Lombard David Hulseberg, the Lombard Police and Fire Department, Keith Steiskal and George Seagraves, among others not revealed to me as a public information required for a Lombard resident homeowner and taxpayer. The Village of Lombard abuses U.S. Constitutional Civil Rights by excluding Gardenia Hung-Wittler from legal court proceedings, hearings, appearances, and court summons. I have not received any letter of apology from the Village of Lombard David Hulseberg or the court orders informing me as a Lombard resident homeowner, victim of criminal disaster, of the crimes and compensation issues to be addressed by the Lombard Police and Fire Department in DuPage County, Illinois USA. I have not been invited to attend Victims Panels or any Victims of Crimes Support Groups in DuPage County, Illinoisn USA.
Please note that all the assets and belongings for Gardenia Hung-Wittler on behalf of the company Communications, Languages & Culture, Inc. have been reported as tax-related and owned by the company in the Village of Lombard, DuPage County, Illinois USA.
Therefore, I, Gardenia Hung-Wittler do hereby petition for compensation, restitution, and lodging for living quarters and storage by law as it is provided to Lombard Victims of Criminal Disasters and other victims of crimes in Illinois and throughout the United States of America.
Please respond to my petition for lodging and compensation as a Lombard Victim of Criminal Disaster, attacked by the Village of Lombard Police and Fire Department, to include David Hulseberg who excludes from civil court proceedings in this legal action surrounding the Estate of Mr. Roberto Hung and Family, and directly addresses Gardenia Hung-Wittler and the company Communications, Languages & Culture, Inc. at 502 S. Westmore-Meyers Road & Washington Boulevard, in Lombard, Illinois 60148.
My name is Gardenia Hung-Wittler, a Lombard Resident Homeowner and U.S. Citizen, Victim of Criminal Disaster and Abuse of U.S. Constitutional Civil Rights and Human Rights by the Village of Lombard managed by David Hulseberg and caused by the Lombard Police and Fire Department since my father, Mr. Roberto Hung purchased the Lombard Historic Brick Bungalow from September 1993 until the criminal disaster demolition on November 5, 2008 arranged by Keith Steiskal and Chief George Seagraves from the Lombard Fire Department. The Village of Lombard is refusing to provide lodging, storage, and/or compensation for the criminal disaster demolition, the stolen property by the Lombard Police Department and others, and/or all the damages and losses incurred by Gardenia Hung-Wittler for the Estate of Mr. Roberto Hung and Family to include the company professional assets and equipment for Communications, Languages & Culture, Inc. During 2008 and 2009, I, Gardenia Hung-Wittler have not been notified nor received any of the legal Court Notices, Summons, and/or documentation regarding legal issues and criminal acts surrounding the stolen property at 502 S. Westmore-Meyers Road at the Estate of Mr. Roberto Hung & Family. For the record, I am an Illinois Notary Public in DuPage County, commissioned by the State of Illinois.
Gardenia Hung-Wittler is reporting abuse of U.S. Constitutional Civil Rights and Human Rights to appear as a Lombard resident homeowner and U.S. citizen, with rights to be informed and be included in the briefings regarding the legal matters surrounding criminal acts and actions against the Lombard Real Estate Property at 502 S. Westmore-Meyers Road in DuPage County, Illinois USA. During 2008, 2009, and 2010, and including previous years, the Village of Lombard and DuPage County in Illinois have been excluding from participating in the legal briefings, summons, court appearances, and other criminal matters and actions involving the Lombard Police and Fire Department.
I, Gardenia Hung-Wittler have not received any court orders, notices, or legal briefs regarding the criminal disaster and stolen property owned by the Estate of Mr. Roberto Hung and Family, to include Communications, Languages & Culture, Inc. The Village of Lombard has not been mailing any letter of apology, response to compensation and restitution, or provisions for the Lombard Victim of Criminal Disaster requesting lodging, storage facility, and cash remuneration for all stolen household items, damages, and losses incurred by the Estate of Mr. Roberto Hung and Family to include the company professional office assets for Communications, Languages & Culture Inc. in DuPage County, Illinois USA.
Upon review, all the professional electronics are useless and inoperative, which includes Hewlett Packard, Compaq Pressary, Sony, computers, faxes, printers, and other electronics have been broken and damaged when the cables were pulled out forcefully, and yanked out during the Disaster Demolition on Tuesday, November 4, and Wednesday, November 5, 2008. On that day, the Taxi that the Village of Lombard arranged to pick me up, left early and did not pick me up at the Motel 66 located on Roosevelt Road near Ardmore Avenue in Villa Park. The Taxi left me behind at the Motel 66 and did not return to pick me up, but got paid for the day by the Village of Lombard, even when I was not in the taxi as a passenger.
I, Gardenia Hung-Wittler have been donating the remaining disaster items to the Salvation Army, AMVETS, St. Vincent De Paul, St. Pius X Catholic Church, Lombard United Methodist Church, Helen M. Plum Library, Villa Park Library, Addison Public Library,York Township Community Center, the Harvard Evangelical Free Church of Villa Park, and other people, groups, and organizations.
Overall, I, Gardenia Hung-Wittler have become a Lombard Victim of Criminal Disaster and Abuse of Human Rights arranged by the Village of Lombard David Hulseberg, the Lombard Police and Fire Department, Keith Steiskal and George Seagraves, among others not revealed to me as a public information required for a Lombard resident homeowner and taxpayer. The Village of Lombard abuses U.S. Constitutional Civil Rights by excluding Gardenia Hung-Wittler from legal court proceedings, hearings, appearances, and court summons. I have not received any letter of apology from the Village of Lombard David Hulseberg or the court orders informing me as a Lombard resident homeowner, victim of criminal disaster, of the crimes and compensation issues to be addressed by the Lombard Police and Fire Department in DuPage County, Illinois USA. I have not been invited to attend Victims Panels or any Victims of Crimes Support Groups in DuPage County, Illinoisn USA.
Please note that all the assets and belongings for Gardenia Hung-Wittler on behalf of the company Communications, Languages & Culture, Inc. have been reported as tax-related and owned by the company in the Village of Lombard, DuPage County, Illinois USA.
Therefore, I, Gardenia Hung-Wittler do hereby petition for compensation, restitution, and lodging for living quarters and storage by law as it is provided to Lombard Victims of Criminal Disasters and other victims of crimes in Illinois and throughout the United States of America.
Please respond to my petition for lodging and compensation as a Lombard Victim of Criminal Disaster, attacked by the Village of Lombard Police and Fire Department, to include David Hulseberg who excludes from civil court proceedings in this legal action surrounding the Estate of Mr. Roberto Hung and Family, and directly addresses Gardenia Hung-Wittler and the company Communications, Languages & Culture, Inc. at 502 S. Westmore-Meyers Road & Washington Boulevard, in Lombard, Illinois 60148.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
David Hulseberg and the Village of Lombard Owe Compensation for All Damages and Losses to the Estate of Mr. Roberto Hung and Family
The Village of Lombard and Manager David Hulseberg are responsible for All the Damages and Losses Caused by the Lombard Police and Fire Department to the Estate of Mr. Roberto Hung and Family at 502 S. Westmore-Meyers Road and Washington Boulevard, one block southeast from St. Pius X Catholic Church and School, and one block from Westmore Elementary School, in DuPage County, Illinois 60148 USA. By the actions of Village of Lombard and Manager David Hulseberg, the Lombard Historic Brick Bungalow purchased by Mr. Roberto Hung has been damaged and demolished, along with all the assets and belongings owned by Gardenia C. Hung-Wittler and the Estate of Mr. Roberto Hung and Family. Gardenia C. Hung-Wittler is petitioning immediate cash payment for All the Damages and Losses to business and personal assets at the Estate of Mr. Roberto Hung and Family.
The Lombard Police and Fire Department have been responsible for the crimes committed at the Estate of Roberto Hung and Family while the Lombard resident homeowners were at work, travelling, or out-of-town in DuPage County, Illinois USA. Consequently, the Village of Lombard has the obligation to compensate and pay the Hung Family for all the damages and losses to the Estate of Roberto Hung and Family in Illinois, USA. Since September 2, 1993, the Hung Family have been Lombard resident homeowners at 502 S. Westmore Avenue in the Village of Lombard, DuPage County, Illinois. The Hung Family members purchased two (2) Lombard homes from 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010.
The Lombard Real Estate Property at 502 S. Westmore Avenue and Washington Blvd. in the Village of Lombard, Du Page County, is registered as York Township Parcel No. 06-09-315-038, under a Deed Trust for the Estate of Mr. Roberto Hung Supplemental Health Care. This Lombard Historic Brick Bungalow was built in 1927 as a residential family home, lot size at 60 ft. X 144 ft., for a total square feet of 8,640.00. The estimated market value was $272.850 in 2008.
Roofing Damages Caused to the Hung Family Real Estate Property in the Village of Lombard after SBC Telephone Company Service authorized by Edward Westenholtz jumped the adjoining fence between the Carpenters' driveway and the backyard in the Lombard Historical Brick Bungalow.
Basement Flooded the Bar Ceiling caused by Water Rupture in the Village of Lombard, Du Page County, Illinois--due to ungauged water pressure released by the storm draining system during 2004.
Ceiling Water Damages due to Unauthorized Services by the Village of Lombard and Trespassers Walking on the Roof. Bedroom Flooding Caused by Water Rupture in the Village of Lombard due to Ungauged Water Pressure which required PSI Valves to control the Storm Draining System supervised by Public Works and the Water Department in Du Page County, Illinois, USA.
The Village of Lombard authorized TV Cable Installers to walk on the roof, while one of the TV Cable installer slipped off and fell off the roof breaking his back at the expense of the Village of Lombard, Du Page County, Illinois, USA.
Authorized SBC Telephone Services by Edward Westenholtz provided by trespassers jumping the adjoining gothic fence, splintered between the Carpenters' driveway and the Hung Family Real Estate property in the Village of Lombard, Du Page County, Illinois, USA.
Roofing Damages & Losses Caused by Unauthorized Services in the Village of Lombard left loose aluminum siding, wooden planks, and rubble over existing flower borders, green lawn, and garden landscape at the Hung Family Real Estate Property adjoining Eva and John Carpenter's home.
The Village of Lombard allowed trespassers to jump the adjoining fence between the Carpenters' driveway to cause extensive Roofing Damages & Losses to existing rain gutters, ductwork, and wooden structures at the Hung Family Real Estate Property in the Village of Lombard, Du Page County, Illinois, USA.
Village of Lombard Damages & Losses to this Lombard Historic Brick Bungalow Owned by the Hung Family and Estate of Mr. Roberto Hung, J.D. in Du Page
There have been many instances of abuse, heinous hate crimes, and others transgressions against the Lombard Brick Bungalow while the Hung Family have been Lombard resident homeowners in DuPage County, Illinois, for instance:
· Bullet hole on upper glass window pane in the living room
· Broken fence posts, splintered wood caused by trespassers jumping over the adjoining fence by the Carpenters’ driveway at 506 S. Westmore-Meyers Road in Lombard , Illinois , 60148-3028 , Du Page County, USA
· Torched-burning front door varnish with fire, as well as back porch door, and tool shed garden door
· Chemicals burning grass lawn
· Cracked, broken light fixtures on ceilings
· Bursting Lombard water plumbing pipes due to ungauged water pressure; leaking ducts and canals with fissures in the County of Du Page, Illinois, USA
· Broken Maple Tree Branch over the Carpenters’ driveway caused by the Carpenters ABF Truck 88938 on July 11, 2007, at 8H30AM, U.S. DOT 082866, ABF Freight System, Inc.- Trailer 88938, Semi-Truck. On Wednesday, August 8, 2007, the Carpenters’ son and John Carpenter arranged to have the broken Maple Tree branch through their back gate and Robyn/Jennifer’s driveway, carried out to leave the large Maple wooden branch on the side lawn, on Washington Blvd., leaving the same to obstruct pedestrians walking path, on the sidewalk.
Estate of Mr. Roberto Hung and Family
When the Hung Family purchased a Lombard home at 502 S. Westmore Avenue and Washington Boulevard, in the Village of Lombard, the backyard only had one (1) young green maple tree in the middle of the yard for shade and comfort, and two (2) giant red maple trees in the front yard. Consequently, the southwest corner on Westmore-Meyers Road gets a lot of the full sun, all year round, while the heat rises from the grass lawn up.
The previous homeowner and seller Debra Y. Sekrecki did not cultivate the garden borders around the Lombard brick bungalow and the soil was dry, sandy, and full of ”earwicks” which are insects that destroy plants, perennials, and roots. There was an obvious need for additional landscaping and garden work required to bring the Lombard historic bungalow to green life. Moreover, the hot sun was shining down on the sidewalk pavement, scorching the surroundings all summer long.
So the Hung Family decided to balance their Lombard home and surroundings by adding Stark Bro’s Golden and Red Delicious Apple trees to the west side of the backyard with supplemental vegetables, that is to say green beans, cucumbers, squash, turnips, lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, corn, potatoes, and Stark Bro’s Everbearing Strawberries, Raspberries, and Currants along the plant borders and garden patch. Plus the family gardener added the flowering promise of a Wisteria by the garage and front driveway with a trellis to train the climbing Wisteria vine along the arbor by the fence.
In the Hung Family garden there were fresh roses along the southwest fence: Peace roses, red Lincoln roses, and Royal Pink Roses named after Queen Elizabeth II. The front entrance garden also had red roses, a bouquet of daffodils and jonquils for the early Spring blooms with grape hyacinths, Miss Kim fragrant lilac bushes around the existing red bush with a border of deluxed Dutch tulips in white, rose, yellow, and other vivid colors, along the perennial borders lined by fragrant lilies of the valley, Asian day lilies, Star Gazer Asian lilies, purple cone flowers, classic Chinese peonies, menton tulips from Holland, Michigan, fresh strawberries with blooming blossoms and red luscious berries mixed with rhubarb for preserved jam.
The new perennial blooming garden added bright colors and fragrant lilacs to the Estate of Roberto Hung and Family at the corner of Westmore-Meyers Road and Washington Boulevard in the Village of Lombard, DuPage County, Illinois. The two yellow forsythia bushes at each corner of the front yard flourished early in Spring time with care, nurturing, and frequent pruning from the family gardener.
In addition, there was a fragant orange blossom tree by the porch door and the large flowering lilac greeting you at the entrance gate to the backyard.
The Hung Family added green life, Stark Bro’s Golden and Red Delicious Apple Trees, various perennials, surrounding the front, side, and backyard to temper the scorching heat and cool off the Lombard historic brick bungalow in the summertime. The Lombard historic bungalow became cooler and breezy in the summer surrounded by the green life in the garden. Climate change was achieved with the help of the trees, plants, and singing cardinals, blue jays, sparrows, breeding rabbits, and other intruding wildlife which included racoons and squirrels.
Green life full of Stark Bro’s Apple Orchards and the Red and Green Maple Trees around the Lombard Brick Bungalow contributed to the climate change in tempering the heat from the sun rays and appeasing the forces of nature. In addition, the surrounding forest preserves in DuPage County do balance the environment and facilitate climate change from too hot to cool and breezy summer days in the area.
The family of Mr. Roberto Hung, Lombard resident homeowner, taxpayer, and U.S. citizen, is petitioning full cash compensation for the public use and demolition of private real estate property and family assets, by the Village of Lombard, the Police Department, and the Fire Department in the County of DuPage, authorized by Village Manager David Hulseberg and the Village of Lombard.
The Lombard Police and Fire Department have been responsible for the crimes committed at the Estate of Roberto Hung and Family while the Lombard resident homeowners were at work, travelling, or out-of-town in DuPage County, Illinois USA. Consequently, the Village of Lombard has the obligation to compensate and pay the Hung Family for all the damages and losses to the Estate of Roberto Hung and Family in Illinois, USA. Since September 2, 1993, the Hung Family have been Lombard resident homeowners at 502 S. Westmore Avenue in the Village of Lombard, DuPage County, Illinois. The Hung Family members purchased two (2) Lombard homes from 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010.
The Lombard Real Estate Property at 502 S. Westmore Avenue and Washington Blvd. in the Village of Lombard, Du Page County, is registered as York Township Parcel No. 06-09-315-038, under a Deed Trust for the Estate of Mr. Roberto Hung Supplemental Health Care. This Lombard Historic Brick Bungalow was built in 1927 as a residential family home, lot size at 60 ft. X 144 ft., for a total square feet of 8,640.00. The estimated market value was $272.850 in 2008.
Roofing Damages Caused to the Hung Family Real Estate Property in the Village of Lombard after SBC Telephone Company Service authorized by Edward Westenholtz jumped the adjoining fence between the Carpenters' driveway and the backyard in the Lombard Historical Brick Bungalow.
Basement Flooded the Bar Ceiling caused by Water Rupture in the Village of Lombard, Du Page County, Illinois--due to ungauged water pressure released by the storm draining system during 2004.
Ceiling Water Damages due to Unauthorized Services by the Village of Lombard and Trespassers Walking on the Roof. Bedroom Flooding Caused by Water Rupture in the Village of Lombard due to Ungauged Water Pressure which required PSI Valves to control the Storm Draining System supervised by Public Works and the Water Department in Du Page County, Illinois, USA.
The Village of Lombard authorized TV Cable Installers to walk on the roof, while one of the TV Cable installer slipped off and fell off the roof breaking his back at the expense of the Village of Lombard, Du Page County, Illinois, USA.
Authorized SBC Telephone Services by Edward Westenholtz provided by trespassers jumping the adjoining gothic fence, splintered between the Carpenters' driveway and the Hung Family Real Estate property in the Village of Lombard, Du Page County, Illinois, USA.
Roofing Damages & Losses Caused by Unauthorized Services in the Village of Lombard left loose aluminum siding, wooden planks, and rubble over existing flower borders, green lawn, and garden landscape at the Hung Family Real Estate Property adjoining Eva and John Carpenter's home.
The Village of Lombard allowed trespassers to jump the adjoining fence between the Carpenters' driveway to cause extensive Roofing Damages & Losses to existing rain gutters, ductwork, and wooden structures at the Hung Family Real Estate Property in the Village of Lombard, Du Page County, Illinois, USA.
Village of Lombard Damages & Losses to this Lombard Historic Brick Bungalow Owned by the Hung Family and Estate of Mr. Roberto Hung, J.D. in Du Page
There have been many instances of abuse, heinous hate crimes, and others transgressions against the Lombard Brick Bungalow while the Hung Family have been Lombard resident homeowners in DuPage County, Illinois, for instance:
· Bullet hole on upper glass window pane in the living room
· Broken fence posts, splintered wood caused by trespassers jumping over the adjoining fence by the Carpenters’ driveway at 506 S. Westmore-Meyers Road in Lombard , Illinois , 60148-3028 , Du Page County, USA
· Torched-burning front door varnish with fire, as well as back porch door, and tool shed garden door
· Chemicals burning grass lawn
· Cracked, broken light fixtures on ceilings
· Bursting Lombard water plumbing pipes due to ungauged water pressure; leaking ducts and canals with fissures in the County of Du Page, Illinois, USA
· Broken Maple Tree Branch over the Carpenters’ driveway caused by the Carpenters ABF Truck 88938 on July 11, 2007, at 8H30AM, U.S. DOT 082866, ABF Freight System, Inc.- Trailer 88938, Semi-Truck. On Wednesday, August 8, 2007, the Carpenters’ son and John Carpenter arranged to have the broken Maple Tree branch through their back gate and Robyn/Jennifer’s driveway, carried out to leave the large Maple wooden branch on the side lawn, on Washington Blvd., leaving the same to obstruct pedestrians walking path, on the sidewalk.
Estate of Mr. Roberto Hung and Family
When the Hung Family purchased a Lombard home at 502 S. Westmore Avenue and Washington Boulevard, in the Village of Lombard, the backyard only had one (1) young green maple tree in the middle of the yard for shade and comfort, and two (2) giant red maple trees in the front yard. Consequently, the southwest corner on Westmore-Meyers Road gets a lot of the full sun, all year round, while the heat rises from the grass lawn up.
The previous homeowner and seller Debra Y. Sekrecki did not cultivate the garden borders around the Lombard brick bungalow and the soil was dry, sandy, and full of ”earwicks” which are insects that destroy plants, perennials, and roots. There was an obvious need for additional landscaping and garden work required to bring the Lombard historic bungalow to green life. Moreover, the hot sun was shining down on the sidewalk pavement, scorching the surroundings all summer long.
So the Hung Family decided to balance their Lombard home and surroundings by adding Stark Bro’s Golden and Red Delicious Apple trees to the west side of the backyard with supplemental vegetables, that is to say green beans, cucumbers, squash, turnips, lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, corn, potatoes, and Stark Bro’s Everbearing Strawberries, Raspberries, and Currants along the plant borders and garden patch. Plus the family gardener added the flowering promise of a Wisteria by the garage and front driveway with a trellis to train the climbing Wisteria vine along the arbor by the fence.
In the Hung Family garden there were fresh roses along the southwest fence: Peace roses, red Lincoln roses, and Royal Pink Roses named after Queen Elizabeth II. The front entrance garden also had red roses, a bouquet of daffodils and jonquils for the early Spring blooms with grape hyacinths, Miss Kim fragrant lilac bushes around the existing red bush with a border of deluxed Dutch tulips in white, rose, yellow, and other vivid colors, along the perennial borders lined by fragrant lilies of the valley, Asian day lilies, Star Gazer Asian lilies, purple cone flowers, classic Chinese peonies, menton tulips from Holland, Michigan, fresh strawberries with blooming blossoms and red luscious berries mixed with rhubarb for preserved jam.
The new perennial blooming garden added bright colors and fragrant lilacs to the Estate of Roberto Hung and Family at the corner of Westmore-Meyers Road and Washington Boulevard in the Village of Lombard, DuPage County, Illinois. The two yellow forsythia bushes at each corner of the front yard flourished early in Spring time with care, nurturing, and frequent pruning from the family gardener.
In addition, there was a fragant orange blossom tree by the porch door and the large flowering lilac greeting you at the entrance gate to the backyard.
The Hung Family added green life, Stark Bro’s Golden and Red Delicious Apple Trees, various perennials, surrounding the front, side, and backyard to temper the scorching heat and cool off the Lombard historic brick bungalow in the summertime. The Lombard historic bungalow became cooler and breezy in the summer surrounded by the green life in the garden. Climate change was achieved with the help of the trees, plants, and singing cardinals, blue jays, sparrows, breeding rabbits, and other intruding wildlife which included racoons and squirrels.
Green life full of Stark Bro’s Apple Orchards and the Red and Green Maple Trees around the Lombard Brick Bungalow contributed to the climate change in tempering the heat from the sun rays and appeasing the forces of nature. In addition, the surrounding forest preserves in DuPage County do balance the environment and facilitate climate change from too hot to cool and breezy summer days in the area.
The family of Mr. Roberto Hung, Lombard resident homeowner, taxpayer, and U.S. citizen, is petitioning full cash compensation for the public use and demolition of private real estate property and family assets, by the Village of Lombard, the Police Department, and the Fire Department in the County of DuPage, authorized by Village Manager David Hulseberg and the Village of Lombard.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Crimes by the Lombard Police and Fire Deparment in DuPage County, Illinois USA
The Village of Lombard and Manager David Hulseberg are responsible for All the Damages and Losses Caused by the Lombard Police and Fire Department to the Estate of Mr. Roberto Hung and Family at 502 S. Westmore-Meyers Road and Washington Boulevard, one block southeast from St. Pius X Catholic Church and School, and one block from Westmore Elementary School, in DuPage County, Illinois 60148 USA. By the actions of Village of Lombard and Manager David Hulseberg, the Lombard Historic Brick Bungalow purchased by Mr. Roberto Hung has been damaged and demolished, along with all the assets and belongings owned by Gardenia C. Hung-Wittler and the Estate of Mr. Roberto Hung and Family. Gardenia C. Hung-Wittler is petitioning immediate cash payment for All the Damages and Losses to business and personal assets at the Estate of Mr. Roberto Hung and Family.
The Lombard Police and Fire Department have been responsible for the crimes committed at the Estate of Roberto Hung and Family while the Lombard resident homeowners were at work, travelling, or out-of-town in DuPage County, Illinois USA. Consequently, the Village of Lombard has the obligation to compensate and pay the Hung Family for all the damages and losses to the Estate of Roberto Hung and Family in Illinois, USA. Since September 2, 1993, the Hung Family have been Lombard resident homeowners at 502 S. Westmore Avenue in the Village of Lombard, DuPage County, Illinois. The Hung Family members purchased two (2) Lombard homes from 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010.
The Lombard Real Estate Property at 502 S. Westmore Avenue and Washington Blvd. in the Village of Lombard, Du Page County, is registered as York Township Parcel No. 06-09-315-038, under a Deed Trust for the Estate of Mr. Roberto Hung Supplemental Health Care. This Lombard Historic Brick Bungalow was built in 1927 as a residential family home, lot size at 60 ft. X 144 ft., for a total square feet of 8,640.00. The estimated market value was $272.850 in 2008.
Roofing Damages Caused to the Hung Family Real Estate Property in the Village of Lombard after SBC Telephone Company Service authorized by Edward Westenholtz jumped the adjoining fence between the Carpenters' driveway and the backyard in the Lombard Historical Brick Bungalow.
Basement Flooded the Bar Ceiling caused by Water Rupture in the Village of Lombard, Du Page County, Illinois--due to ungauged water pressure released by the storm draining system during 2004.
Ceiling Water Damages due to Unauthorized Services by the Village of Lombard and Trespassers Walking on the Roof. Bedroom Flooding Caused by Water Rupture in the Village of Lombard due to Ungauged Water Pressure which required PSI Valves to control the Storm Draining System supervised by Public Works and the Water Department in Du Page County, Illinois, USA.
The Village of Lombard authorized TV Cable Installers to walk on the roof, while one of the TV Cable installer slipped off and fell off the roof breaking his back at the expense of the Village of Lombard, Du Page County, Illinois, USA.
Authorized SBC Telephone Services by Edward Westenholtz provided by trespassers jumping the adjoining gothic fence, splintered between the Carpenters' driveway and the Hung Family Real Estate property in the Village of Lombard, Du Page County, Illinois, USA.
Roofing Damages & Losses Caused by Unauthorized Services in the Village of Lombard left loose aluminum siding, wooden planks, and rubble over existing flower borders, green lawn, and garden landscape at the Hung Family Real Estate Property adjoining Eva and John Carpenter's home.
The Village of Lombard allowed trespassers to jump the adjoining fence between the Carpenters' driveway to cause extensive Roofing Damages & Losses to existing rain gutters, ductwork, and wooden structures at the Hung Family Real Estate Property in the Village of Lombard, Du Page County, Illinois, USA.
Village of Lombard Damages & Losses to this Lombard Historic Brick Bungalow Owned by the Hung Family and Estate of Mr. Roberto Hung, J.D. in Du Page
There have been many instances of abuse, heinous hate crimes, and others transgressions against the Lombard Brick Bungalow while the Hung Family have been Lombard resident homeowners in DuPage County, Illinois, for instance:
· Bullet hole on upper glass window pane in the living room
· Broken fence posts, splintered wood caused by trespassers jumping over the adjoining fence by the Carpenters’ driveway at 506 S. Westmore-Meyers Road in Lombard , Illinois , 60148-3028 , Du Page County, USA
· Torched-burning front door varnish with fire, as well as back porch door, and tool shed garden door
· Chemicals burning grass lawn
· Cracked, broken light fixtures on ceilings
· Bursting Lombard water plumbing pipes due to ungauged water pressure; leaking ducts and canals with fissures in the County of Du Page, Illinois, USA
· Broken Maple Tree Branch over the Carpenters’ driveway caused by the Carpenters ABF Truck 88938 on July 11, 2007, at 8H30AM, U.S. DOT 082866, ABF Freight System, Inc.- Trailer 88938, Semi-Truck. On Wednesday, August 8, 2007, the Carpenters’ son and John Carpenter arranged to have the broken Maple Tree branch through their back gate and Robyn/Jennifer’s driveway, carried out to leave the large Maple wooden branch on the side lawn, on Washington Blvd., leaving the same to obstruct pedestrians walking path, on the sidewalk.
Estate of Mr. Roberto Hung and Family
When the Hung Family purchased a Lombard home at 502 S. Westmore Avenue and Washington Boulevard, in the Village of Lombard, the backyard only had one (1) young green maple tree in the middle of the yard for shade and comfort, and two (2) giant red maple trees in the front yard. Consequently, the southwest corner on Westmore-Meyers Road gets a lot of the full sun, all year round, while the heat rises from the grass lawn up.
The previous homeowner and seller Debra Y. Sekrecki did not cultivate the garden borders around the Lombard brick bungalow and the soil was dry, sandy, and full of ”earwicks” which are insects that destroy plants, perennials, and roots. There was an obvious need for additional landscaping and garden work required to bring the Lombard historic bungalow to green life. Moreover, the hot sun was shining down on the sidewalk pavement, scorching the surroundings all summer long.
So the Hung Family decided to balance their Lombard home and surroundings by adding Stark Bro’s Golden and Red Delicious Apple trees to the west side of the backyard with supplemental vegetables, that is to say green beans, cucumbers, squash, turnips, lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, corn, potatoes, and Stark Bro’s Everbearing Strawberries, Raspberries, and Currants along the plant borders and garden patch. Plus the family gardener added the flowering promise of a Wisteria by the garage and front driveway with a trellis to train the climbing Wisteria vine along the arbor by the fence.
In the Hung Family garden there were fresh roses along the southwest fence: Peace roses, red Lincoln roses, and Royal Pink Roses named after Queen Elizabeth II. The front entrance garden also had red roses, a bouquet of daffodils and jonquils for the early Spring blooms with grape hyacinths, Miss Kim fragrant lilac bushes around the existing red bush with a border of deluxed Dutch tulips in white, rose, yellow, and other vivid colors, along the perennial borders lined by fragrant lilies of the valley, Asian day lilies, Star Gazer Asian lilies, purple cone flowers, classic Chinese peonies, menton tulips from Holland, Michigan, fresh strawberries with blooming blossoms and red luscious berries mixed with rhubarb for preserved jam.
The new perennial blooming garden added bright colors and fragrant lilacs to the Estate of Roberto Hung and Family at the corner of Westmore-Meyers Road and Washington Boulevard in the Village of Lombard, DuPage County, Illinois. The two yellow forsythia bushes at each corner of the front yard flourished early in Spring time with care, nurturing, and frequent pruning from the family gardener.
In addition, there was a fragant orange blossom tree by the porch door and the large flowering lilac greeting you at the entrance gate to the backyard.
The Hung Family added green life, Stark Bro’s Golden and Red Delicious Apple Trees, various perennials, surrounding the front, side, and backyard to temper the scorching heat and cool off the Lombard historic brick bungalow in the summertime. The Lombard historic bungalow became cooler and breezy in the summer surrounded by the green life in the garden. Climate change was achieved with the help of the trees, plants, and singing cardinals, blue jays, sparrows, breeding rabbits, and other intruding wildlife which included racoons and squirrels.
Green life full of Stark Bro’s Apple Orchards and the Red and Green Maple Trees around the Lombard Brick Bungalow contributed to the climate change in tempering the heat from the sun rays and appeasing the forces of nature. In addition, the surrounding forest preserves in DuPage County do balance the environment and facilitate climate change from too hot to cool and breezy summer days in the area.
The family of Mr. Roberto Hung, Lombard resident homeowner, taxpayer, and U.S. citizen, is petitioning full cash compensation for the public use and demolition of private real estate property and family assets, by the Village of Lombard, the Police Department, and the Fire Department in the County of DuPage, authorized by Village Manager David Hulseberg and the Village of Lombard.
A Perfect Crime by the Lombard Police and Fire Department in DuPage County, Illinois USA
The Lombard Police and Fire Department have been responsible for the crimes committed at the Estate of Roberto Hung and Family while the Lombard resident homeowners were at work, travelling, or out-of-town in DuPage County, Illinois, out-of-state or abroad. Consequently, the Village of Lombard has the obligation to compensate and pay the Hung Family for all the damages and losses to the Estate of Roberto Hung and Family in Illinois, USA. The Hung Family members have been Lombard resident homeowners at 502 S. Westmore Avenue and Washington Blvd. in DuPage County. The Hung Family has purchased two (2) Lombard homes during 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, and 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010 in Illinois, USA.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
A Victim of Crime in the Village of Lombard, DuPage County, Illinois USA
The Estate of Roberto Hung & Family was purchased in the name of the late Mr. Roberto Hung, Sr., who became a victim of crime after he purchased Lombard real estate property and became a registered Lombard homeowner for P.I.N. 06-09-315-038-0000, real estate property legally acquired and recorded in Du Page County, during September 2, 1993 through September 2, 1996 and paid in full at the Maple Park State Bank with cash retirement funds, IRA money markets, and 401K monies accrued in employment savings through profit-sharing invested at Felt-Pro, Inc. auto gasket company, also known today as Federal Mogul Corporation Sealing Systems, located at 7450 North McCormick Boulevard, in Skokie, Illinois 60076-8103. Felt-Pro, Inc.--managed and family-owned by Lewis C. Weinberg, the Lehman Brothers, Mr. Kessler, and others, along with son David Weinberg and daughter, Barbara Kessler.
In 1996, Mr. Roberto Hung turned 65 years of age and decided to continue working during the day at The Pampered Chef, located at One Swift Road in Addison, Illinois. Then, Mr. Hung added part-time work hours at night and during the weekends at Dominick's Food Stores in Oakbrook Terrace to supplement his retirement income. Mr. Hung became a U.S. citizen in Chicago, of Cuban and Chinese descent.
Mr. Roberto Hung was abused and victimized while he worked for The Pampered Chef in Addison and Dominick's Food Stores in Oakbrook Terrace in Illinois. Mr. Hung became a victim of crime after he purchased Lombard Real Estate property at 502 S. Westmore-Meyers Road and Washington Boulevard, one block southeast from St. Pius X Catholic Church and School in the Village of Lombard, DuPage County, Illinois USA.
The late Mr. Roberto Hung Sr., was a retired Cuban-Chinese attorney, who worked as Municipal District Attorney in Santiago de Cuba, while he also served as judge for the Municipal District Court of Santiago de Cuba, in Oriente, Cuba. Mr. Roberto Hung was a graduate cum laude from the Law School at the University of La Habana in Cuba. In the State of Illinois, Du Page County, Mr. Roberto Hung became a Lombard resident homeowner, U.S. citizen, and also a paying member of the Illinois Sheriffs Association, who contributed to local, state, and presidential cash fundraisers, to include donations to the Lombard Fire Department and Police Department, and other national charities. On December 22, 1996, he had written a donation checks for the Lombard Fire Department and to his son Robert S. Hung, after paying his household bills, before he became injured at home, 502 S. Westmore Avenue in Lombard, Du Page County, Illinois.
After Mr. Roberto Hung paid for the Lombard real estate property, he was abused as a resident homeowner, taxpayer, and U.S. citizen. On December 22, 1996, Mr. Hung was injured at home in Lombard after 9:00 PM, before Christmas Day. Mr. Roberto Hung survived the traumatic brain injury when his eldest daughter Gardenia C. Hung provided first responder’s emergency assistance and called 911 in the Village of Lombard. After Mr. Hung recovered from a stroke in 1997, he was throttled and murdered by the respiratory therapist Ben Aguilar at Vencor Northlake Hospital, on June 18, 1998, in Northlake, Cook County, Illinois.
Coincidentally, Felt-Pro, Inc., the automotive gasket sealing magnet, known for a wide-range of worker benefits was also sold in 1998, in the amount of $720 million dollars to Federal Mogul Corporation based in Michigan and nation-wide. Ten years later, Mr. Lewis C. Weinberg died, on Thursday, October 30, 2008, at his Chicago home in Illinois, at the age of 93 years old. Since Felt-Pro, Inc. was sold in 1997, Mr. Roberto Hung became abused, injured, and eventually murdered, while holding Lombard real estate property, residency, and homeownership in the County of Du Page.
For the record, the estimated market value of the subject property was $272, 850.00 in 2008, plus the value of family, personal, professional business assets of the Hung Family in Lombard, Du Page County, Illinois. The Lombard Brick Bungalow, built in 1927, was damaged extensively by public use and unauthorized access entries by the Lombard Police Department, the Fire Department, the Village of Lombard, and other intruders during the course of municipal services and operations which caused detrimental disaster, roofing water damages , plumbing flooding and demolition losses. On Wednesday, November 5, 2008, the Lombard Fire Department, instigated by Keith Steiskal, and others, demolished the Lombard Historic Brick Bungalow at 502 S Westmore-Meyers Road in Du Page. Now the Hung Family is petitioning for cash compensation, restitution, and financial remuneration by the Village of Lombard and others who have publicly used the private property owned by the Hung Family in the Estate of Mr. Roberto Hung Supplemental Care Trust.
FOR THE RECORD, MR. ROBERTO HUNG, NEVER RECEIVED THE SENIOR CITIZENS HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION, EVEN THOUGH HE PAID IN FULL FOR THE PURCHASE OF THE LOMBARD HISTORIC BRICK BUNGALOW BUILT IN 1927. On September 2nd, 1993, Mr. Roberto Hung purchased the Lombard Historic Brick Bungalow from Debra Y. Sekrecki, with an initial down payment of $2,000, as earnest money paid by personal check, added to the total cash payment of $88,000 at a fixed interest rate not to exceed 8.00% per year, amortized over a period of fifteen (15) years. At the time, Debra Y. Sekrecki had two (2) children, a boy and a girl, lived with Stella, the tenant upstairs, and father Adam Sekrecki. On July 11, 1993, Mr. Roberto Hung signed a Standard Residential Sales Contract from the Du Page Association of Realtors in agreement to purchase the Lombard real estate property at 502 S. Westmore Avenue in Lombard, Illinois 60148-3028, owned by seller Debra Y. Sekrecki. The original closing date was scheduled on September 11, 1993. However, Roberto Hung was called by telephone to appear sooner on September 2nd, 1993, at 3:30 p.m., at the law office of Alan Dakoff, Telephone: 708-966-0488, located at 9291 North Maryland, in Niles, Illinois 60714, U.S.A. Century 21, Action Real Estate provided a Buyer Service Pledge presented by Steve Block, Telephone: 630-627-5500, and Dino, the real estate agent with Roberto Hung, signed in agreement. Afterwards, Roberto Hung received a copy of Rider 412, Buyer’s Inspection which he signed as buyer with Debra Sekrecki, as seller.
In 1993, Century 21, Action Real Estate described in a listing the Highlights of the Lombard Historic Brick Bungalow at the corner of Westmore Avenue and Washington Blvd., owned by Debra Y. Sekrecki with tenant Stella. At the time, the Du Page County Real Estate Taxes were only $2,744 for the brick house. After Roberto Hung purchased the same Lombard Brick House, the Lombard property taxes doubled for more than $4,000, without providing the Senior Citizens Homestead Exemption as a tax credit. This Lombard Brick Home is located near Westmore Elementary School and St. Pius X Church School, Jackson Middle School, and Willowbrook High School. George Hornbeck’s Parcel No. 06-09-315038 is a subdivision, spacious 4-bedroom brick home with a second floor in-law or potential income arrangement. There are nine (9) rooms available with hardwood floors. Full finished basement. Front and rear enclosed porches for added living space. Fully fenced yard with a gas grill. There is a 2-car garage. Public transportation is available. This Lombard home is close to school and shopping, near the Eastgate Center and State of Illinois facilities for the Secretary of State Vehicle Licenses Center and the Illinois Employment and Training Center (I.E.T.C.). Action Real Estate for Century 21 was serving Du Page and Cook counties at the Lombard Pines Shopping Center, 1125-J South Main Street, Lombard, Illinois 60148, in care of realtor Dino. The real estate closing documents for purchase were prepared by Attorney Dean G. Galanopoulos and Robert G. Galgan, Jr. Atty. No.1948, at 340 West Butterfield Road, Elmhurst, Illinois 60126.
The First State Bank of Maple Park mailed a letter on November 10, 1995 to Mr. Roberto Hung, which notified the Lombard homeowner that the bank was transferring the servicing of the Loan Mortgage to the Dime Savings Bank of New York, FSB, P.O. Box 985, Newark, New Jersey 07101-0985. Customer Service Park, 231 East Avenue, Suite 200, Tel. 1-800-222-0912. Robert Hung was informed that the mortgage rates would increase as a balloon mortgage for the Dime Savings Bank of New York. Since Robert Hung did not want to incur additional mortgage interest rates, He Decided To Pay in Full Cash for the remainder balance of the Lombard Real Estate Property for P.I.N. 06-09-315-038, Lot 2 in George P. Hornbeck’s Resubdivision of Part of the West one-half of the South West one-fourth of Section 9, Township 39 North, Range 11, East of the Third Meridian, According to the Plat thereof recorded on February 19, 1980 as Document No. R80-10413, in Du Page County, Illinois.
On September 2nd, 1996, Mr. Roberto Hung completed full cash payment of the Lombard Brick Home at First State Bank of Maple, located at 1100 County Line Road, Maple Park, Illinois 60151, in care of Joy S. Reynolds, Tel. (815) 827-4000, Fax. (815) 827-3207, Toll Free No. 1-800-449-2700, while Bruce Madden was president of the First State Bank, and witnessed by his daughter, Gardenia C. Hung, and the bank manager. Mr. Roberto Hung and his eldest daughter, married to Nathan S. Wittler, improved the Lombard Brick house by adding oak cabinets, an exterior halogen flood night light, (2) automatic garage door openers, changed all door locks, added gardening landscaping, apple trees orchard, and perennial flowers, and exotic plant species.
On December 22, 1996, Mr. Hung was injured at home in Lombard after 9:00 PM, before Christmas Day. After recovering from a stroke in 1997, Roberto Hung was throttled and murdered by the respiratory therapist Ben Aguilar at Vencor Northlake Hospital, on June 18, 1998.
We are remembering how Mr. Roberto Hung was murdered at Vencor Northlake Hospital by Respiratory Therapist Ben Aguilar in Cook County, Illinois, while he was a critical care patient under the medical care of Dr. Grodzin, M.D. from Elmhurst Memorial Hospital and previous medical care of Dr. Tom Cornwell M.D., and Nurse Nancy Minch, R.N., with CNA Carol and Jennifer... from Home Care Physicians in Winfield, Illinois USA.
In 1996, Mr. Roberto Hung turned 65 years of age and decided to continue working during the day at The Pampered Chef, located at One Swift Road in Addison, Illinois. Then, Mr. Hung added part-time work hours at night and during the weekends at Dominick's Food Stores in Oakbrook Terrace to supplement his retirement income. Mr. Hung became a U.S. citizen in Chicago, of Cuban and Chinese descent.
Mr. Roberto Hung was abused and victimized while he worked for The Pampered Chef in Addison and Dominick's Food Stores in Oakbrook Terrace in Illinois. Mr. Hung became a victim of crime after he purchased Lombard Real Estate property at 502 S. Westmore-Meyers Road and Washington Boulevard, one block southeast from St. Pius X Catholic Church and School in the Village of Lombard, DuPage County, Illinois USA.
The late Mr. Roberto Hung Sr., was a retired Cuban-Chinese attorney, who worked as Municipal District Attorney in Santiago de Cuba, while he also served as judge for the Municipal District Court of Santiago de Cuba, in Oriente, Cuba. Mr. Roberto Hung was a graduate cum laude from the Law School at the University of La Habana in Cuba. In the State of Illinois, Du Page County, Mr. Roberto Hung became a Lombard resident homeowner, U.S. citizen, and also a paying member of the Illinois Sheriffs Association, who contributed to local, state, and presidential cash fundraisers, to include donations to the Lombard Fire Department and Police Department, and other national charities. On December 22, 1996, he had written a donation checks for the Lombard Fire Department and to his son Robert S. Hung, after paying his household bills, before he became injured at home, 502 S. Westmore Avenue in Lombard, Du Page County, Illinois.
After Mr. Roberto Hung paid for the Lombard real estate property, he was abused as a resident homeowner, taxpayer, and U.S. citizen. On December 22, 1996, Mr. Hung was injured at home in Lombard after 9:00 PM, before Christmas Day. Mr. Roberto Hung survived the traumatic brain injury when his eldest daughter Gardenia C. Hung provided first responder’s emergency assistance and called 911 in the Village of Lombard. After Mr. Hung recovered from a stroke in 1997, he was throttled and murdered by the respiratory therapist Ben Aguilar at Vencor Northlake Hospital, on June 18, 1998, in Northlake, Cook County, Illinois.
Coincidentally, Felt-Pro, Inc., the automotive gasket sealing magnet, known for a wide-range of worker benefits was also sold in 1998, in the amount of $720 million dollars to Federal Mogul Corporation based in Michigan and nation-wide. Ten years later, Mr. Lewis C. Weinberg died, on Thursday, October 30, 2008, at his Chicago home in Illinois, at the age of 93 years old. Since Felt-Pro, Inc. was sold in 1997, Mr. Roberto Hung became abused, injured, and eventually murdered, while holding Lombard real estate property, residency, and homeownership in the County of Du Page.
For the record, the estimated market value of the subject property was $272, 850.00 in 2008, plus the value of family, personal, professional business assets of the Hung Family in Lombard, Du Page County, Illinois. The Lombard Brick Bungalow, built in 1927, was damaged extensively by public use and unauthorized access entries by the Lombard Police Department, the Fire Department, the Village of Lombard, and other intruders during the course of municipal services and operations which caused detrimental disaster, roofing water damages , plumbing flooding and demolition losses. On Wednesday, November 5, 2008, the Lombard Fire Department, instigated by Keith Steiskal, and others, demolished the Lombard Historic Brick Bungalow at 502 S Westmore-Meyers Road in Du Page. Now the Hung Family is petitioning for cash compensation, restitution, and financial remuneration by the Village of Lombard and others who have publicly used the private property owned by the Hung Family in the Estate of Mr. Roberto Hung Supplemental Care Trust.
FOR THE RECORD, MR. ROBERTO HUNG, NEVER RECEIVED THE SENIOR CITIZENS HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION, EVEN THOUGH HE PAID IN FULL FOR THE PURCHASE OF THE LOMBARD HISTORIC BRICK BUNGALOW BUILT IN 1927. On September 2nd, 1993, Mr. Roberto Hung purchased the Lombard Historic Brick Bungalow from Debra Y. Sekrecki, with an initial down payment of $2,000, as earnest money paid by personal check, added to the total cash payment of $88,000 at a fixed interest rate not to exceed 8.00% per year, amortized over a period of fifteen (15) years. At the time, Debra Y. Sekrecki had two (2) children, a boy and a girl, lived with Stella, the tenant upstairs, and father Adam Sekrecki. On July 11, 1993, Mr. Roberto Hung signed a Standard Residential Sales Contract from the Du Page Association of Realtors in agreement to purchase the Lombard real estate property at 502 S. Westmore Avenue in Lombard, Illinois 60148-3028, owned by seller Debra Y. Sekrecki. The original closing date was scheduled on September 11, 1993. However, Roberto Hung was called by telephone to appear sooner on September 2nd, 1993, at 3:30 p.m., at the law office of Alan Dakoff, Telephone: 708-966-0488, located at 9291 North Maryland, in Niles, Illinois 60714, U.S.A. Century 21, Action Real Estate provided a Buyer Service Pledge presented by Steve Block, Telephone: 630-627-5500, and Dino, the real estate agent with Roberto Hung, signed in agreement. Afterwards, Roberto Hung received a copy of Rider 412, Buyer’s Inspection which he signed as buyer with Debra Sekrecki, as seller.
In 1993, Century 21, Action Real Estate described in a listing the Highlights of the Lombard Historic Brick Bungalow at the corner of Westmore Avenue and Washington Blvd., owned by Debra Y. Sekrecki with tenant Stella. At the time, the Du Page County Real Estate Taxes were only $2,744 for the brick house. After Roberto Hung purchased the same Lombard Brick House, the Lombard property taxes doubled for more than $4,000, without providing the Senior Citizens Homestead Exemption as a tax credit. This Lombard Brick Home is located near Westmore Elementary School and St. Pius X Church School, Jackson Middle School, and Willowbrook High School. George Hornbeck’s Parcel No. 06-09-315038 is a subdivision, spacious 4-bedroom brick home with a second floor in-law or potential income arrangement. There are nine (9) rooms available with hardwood floors. Full finished basement. Front and rear enclosed porches for added living space. Fully fenced yard with a gas grill. There is a 2-car garage. Public transportation is available. This Lombard home is close to school and shopping, near the Eastgate Center and State of Illinois facilities for the Secretary of State Vehicle Licenses Center and the Illinois Employment and Training Center (I.E.T.C.). Action Real Estate for Century 21 was serving Du Page and Cook counties at the Lombard Pines Shopping Center, 1125-J South Main Street, Lombard, Illinois 60148, in care of realtor Dino. The real estate closing documents for purchase were prepared by Attorney Dean G. Galanopoulos and Robert G. Galgan, Jr. Atty. No.1948, at 340 West Butterfield Road, Elmhurst, Illinois 60126.
The First State Bank of Maple Park mailed a letter on November 10, 1995 to Mr. Roberto Hung, which notified the Lombard homeowner that the bank was transferring the servicing of the Loan Mortgage to the Dime Savings Bank of New York, FSB, P.O. Box 985, Newark, New Jersey 07101-0985. Customer Service Park, 231 East Avenue, Suite 200, Tel. 1-800-222-0912. Robert Hung was informed that the mortgage rates would increase as a balloon mortgage for the Dime Savings Bank of New York. Since Robert Hung did not want to incur additional mortgage interest rates, He Decided To Pay in Full Cash for the remainder balance of the Lombard Real Estate Property for P.I.N. 06-09-315-038, Lot 2 in George P. Hornbeck’s Resubdivision of Part of the West one-half of the South West one-fourth of Section 9, Township 39 North, Range 11, East of the Third Meridian, According to the Plat thereof recorded on February 19, 1980 as Document No. R80-10413, in Du Page County, Illinois.
On September 2nd, 1996, Mr. Roberto Hung completed full cash payment of the Lombard Brick Home at First State Bank of Maple, located at 1100 County Line Road, Maple Park, Illinois 60151, in care of Joy S. Reynolds, Tel. (815) 827-4000, Fax. (815) 827-3207, Toll Free No. 1-800-449-2700, while Bruce Madden was president of the First State Bank, and witnessed by his daughter, Gardenia C. Hung, and the bank manager. Mr. Roberto Hung and his eldest daughter, married to Nathan S. Wittler, improved the Lombard Brick house by adding oak cabinets, an exterior halogen flood night light, (2) automatic garage door openers, changed all door locks, added gardening landscaping, apple trees orchard, and perennial flowers, and exotic plant species.
On December 22, 1996, Mr. Hung was injured at home in Lombard after 9:00 PM, before Christmas Day. After recovering from a stroke in 1997, Roberto Hung was throttled and murdered by the respiratory therapist Ben Aguilar at Vencor Northlake Hospital, on June 18, 1998.
We are remembering how Mr. Roberto Hung was murdered at Vencor Northlake Hospital by Respiratory Therapist Ben Aguilar in Cook County, Illinois, while he was a critical care patient under the medical care of Dr. Grodzin, M.D. from Elmhurst Memorial Hospital and previous medical care of Dr. Tom Cornwell M.D., and Nurse Nancy Minch, R.N., with CNA Carol and Jennifer... from Home Care Physicians in Winfield, Illinois USA.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Notice of Motion for Objection to the Proceedings Leading to the Report of Sale and Distribution
THE VILLAGE OF LOMBARD, an Illinois Municipal Corporation,
GARDENIA C. HUNG AND ROBERT S. HUNG, as Trustees of the Trust Agreement Designated as the Roberto Hung Supplemental Care Trust, JEFFREY D. PAPENDICK, a tax purchaser, SCOTT PAPENDICK, UNKNOWN HEIRS AND LEGATEES, and NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS AND UNKNOWN OWNERS,
Defendant )
) Case No.: No. 2009 CH 002760
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on Wednesday, May 5, 2010 at 9:30 AM, or as soon thereafter as counsel may be heard, I shall appear before the Honorable Judge Bonnie M. Wheaton or any judge sitting in her stead, in Courtroom 2007, in the Circuit Court of Du Page County, Illinois located at 505 North County Farm Road, Wheaton, Illinois, and shall then and there present the PRO SE for the Defendant’s Motion for Objection to the Proceedings Leading to the Report of Sale and Distribution based on legal grounds for Errors and Omissions to include Abuse of the Illinois Code of Civil Procedure by the Plaintiff’s Counsels Thomas P. Bayer and Howard C. Jablecki, as well as Objection to the Plaintiff’s Counsels fees, costs, and expenses to be considered excessive in over billing the Hung Family. A true and correct copy of which is included herewith and hereby served upon you.
Dated this 15th day of March, 2010
(Reserved Signature)
THE VILLAGE OF LOMBARD, an Illinois Municipal Corporation,
GARDENIA C. HUNG AND ROBERT S. HUNG, as Trustees of the Trust Agreement Designated as the Roberto Hung Supplemental Care Trust, JEFFREY D. PAPENDICK, a tax purchaser, SCOTT PAPENDICK, UNKNOWN HEIRS AND LEGATEES, and NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS AND UNKNOWN USERS,
Defendant )
) Case No.: No. 2009 CH 002760
Comes now Gardenia C. Hung as PRO SE, on behalf of the Defendants, to present an Objection to the Proceedings Leading to the Report of Sale and Distribution, in response to the Plaintiff’s Motion filed by Counsels Thomas P. Bayer and Howard C. Jablecki, et al. and its attorneys at Klein, Thorpe & Jenkins, Ltd., pursuant to the Constitution of the State of Illinois, Preamble, Article 1, Bill of Rights, and the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution, as Victims of Crime in the Village of Lombard, Du Page County, on legal grounds for Errors and Omissions, and Abuse of the Illinois Code of Civil Procedure, obstruction of justice, malicious prosecution, and abuse of the legal process. The Defendants are Victims of Crime in the Village of Lombard. In addition, PRO SE presents objections to the Attorney’s fees, costs, and expenses in the amount of $4,270.60 and other miscellaneous charges to be considered excessive upon review, in over billing the Estate of Mr. Roberto Hung Supplemental Care Trust and the Hung Family. PRO SE for Defendants prays for extraordinary remedy and relief, in the form of justice, cash compensation, and severance restitution for damages and losses under the doctrine for inverse condemnation, with justice, fairness, and equity to provide remedy and monetary relief for compensation and indemnity to the aggrieved, pursuant to 735 ILCS 5/Art. II et seq., civil practice law, and the rules of the Supreme Court in the State of Illinois, under the Constitution of the United States of America, and under God.
For the record, Counsel Howard C. Jablecki, et al. mailed the Plaintiff’s Response with delay throughout 2009 and 2010 during the course of these legal proceedings. Let it be known that PRO SE filed a Complaint against Attorneys Thomas P. Bayer and Howard C. Jablecki, Counsels for the Plaintiff, represented by the Law Firm of KLEIN, THORPE AND JENKINS LTD. for Errors and Omissions in the Failure to Provide Due Notice of Motion, Court Summons, and copies of Court Proceedings for a Court Appearance on Thursday, December 10, 2009, at 9:00 AM pending the Plaintiff’s Motion for Order of Default and/or Dismissal and Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale of the Lombard Real Estate Property at 502 S. Westmore Avenue and Washington Blvd. in Du Page County, Illinois 60148 USA.
PRO SE was not duly or timely notified of the Court Summons in this legal matter. Please note the following:
1). Exhibit C-2, Summons for September 02, 2009, Affidavit for Special Process Server, Lewis Ellis, Private Detective No. 117-000885. Item 5.- (X) “That he was unable to serve the within named party GARDENIA C. HUNG located at 502 S. WESTMORE-MEYERS ROAD, GARAGE, LOMBARD IL 60148 for the reason: Attempted service on 9/12/2009 @ 10:24 am and no answer at the garage door. The residence had been demolished, and there was a lock on the garage. I spoke to the neighbor, Robin Halada, (Female, Caucasian, 38) who informed me that the residence had been demolished over one year ago; she further stated that the subject was known to be residing in her car in the garage at one point, but she had not seen anyone around for a year. No message by telephone was recorded. I contacted the subject via telephone on 9/13/2009 @12:30 pm and she requested the documents be mailed to Post Office Box 1274, Lombard, Illinois 60148; no further information provided. Attempted service on 9/15/2009 at 7:51 pm, 9/19/2009 @11:20 am, 9/21/2009 @11:28 am, and No Answer at the Garage Door. Therefore, I was unable to contact the subject and effect service.
2). Exhibit C-3, Summons to Gardenia C. Hung, at 3916 Argyle, Chicago, Illinois 60625, on July 15, 2009. Asked the neighbor Assaedi, 3rd Floor to 1st Floor, 7:01, Writ Not Served per current resident Assaedi Family there for 2 years and do not know. Please note that Counsel Howard C. Jablecki filed Summons for Gardenia C. Hung at 3916 Argyle, Chicago , Illinois 60625 , when for the last seventeen (17) years, Gardenia C. Hung has been a Lombard resident homeowner at 502 S. Westmore-Meyers Road , Post Office Box 1274 , Lombard , Illinois 60148 , Tel. 630-201-9055.
3). Exhibit E - Attorney’s Fees, Costs, and Expenses in the amount of $6,247.90
4). Exhibit F - Affidavit in Support of Judgment Award Request for Statutory Interest, Cost, and Attorney’s Fees
5) Exhibit F-1 – 8/10/2009 – Attorney Communication with Cook County Sheriff regarding service to Gardenia C. Hung for over billing for services at the expense of the Hung Family.
Counsels for the Plaintiff Thomas P. Bayer and Howard C. Jablecki, representing the Village of Lombard , have not been providing all copies of court proceedings or correspondence, due notice for court appearance or any court summons following Civil Procedure in Circuit Court for the Eighteenth Judicial Circuit in Du Page County , Illinois 60187. Even though, PRO SE, Gardenia C. Hung, Lombard resident homeowner, has contacted the Village of Lombard and updated mailing contact information at Post Office Box 1274, Lombard, Illinois 60148, Telephone: 630-201-9055, Email: or No one from the Village of Lombard telephoned or contacted PRO SE for a court appearance or summons to the Circuit Court of the Eighteenth Judicial Circuit in Wheaton, Du Page County, Illinois. During December 2009, Pro Se called the Law Office of Klein, Thorpe and Jenkins, Ltd., in order to contact Counsels Thomas P. Bayer and Howard C. Jablecki, for copies of the court order and proceedings, and could not leave a message or speak to neither one of the parties involved. Later during the week, I visited the Village of Lombard in person during December 2009, and no one was there to discuss this legal matter either since all the staff had left on holiday leave of absence at the end of the year.
Please note that the Village of Lombard has failed to observe the Illinois Code of Civil Procedure and/or follow standard procedures of law where the Hung Family legal matters are concerned regarding the Estate of Mr. Roberto Hung Supplemental Health Care Trust. I, Gardenia C. Hung, I am complaining and reporting the Village of Lombard legal counsels for Errors and Omissions in the Failure to Provide Due Notice of Motion, Court Summons, and copies of Court Proceedings for a Court Appearance on Thursday, December 10, 2009, at 9:00 AM pending the Plaintiff’s Motion for Order of Default and/or Dismissal and Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale of the Lombard Real Estate Property at 502 S. Westmore Avenue and Washington Blvd. in Du Page County, Illinois 60148 USA.
PRO SE, Gardenia C. Hung, does hereby request an investigation against the Village of Lombard for lack of Civil Procedure involving Errors and Omissions in this legal matter and all other matters regarding the Estate of Mr. Roberto Hung Supplemental Health Care Trust.
Furthermore, there is no legal record listing or notice of summons for the alleged Unknown Heirs and Legatees, and Non-Record Claimants and Unknown Owners listed as Defendants for Case No.2009 CH002760 by Counsels for the Plaintiff Thomas P. Bayer and Howard C. Jablecki from the Law Firm of KLEIN, THORPE AND JENKINS LTD. in Chicago, Illinois.
On Saturday morning, March 6, 2010, PRO SE, received a copy of the Plaintiff’s Notice of Motion for the Entry of an Order Approving the Report of Sale and Distribution of the Lombard Real Estate Property recorded for the Estate of Robert Hung Supplemental Care Trust, et al. The designated court date was scheduled for Wednesday, March 10, 2010 at 9:00 a.m., in Courtroom 2007, before Judge Bonnie M. Wheaton, presiding judge. PRO SE has been reporting that the Plaintiff’s Counsel Howard C. Jablecki has not been providing timely due notice of court dates and summons to Gardenia C. Hung under the Illinois Code of Civil Procedure and subject to Errors and Omissions by the Chicago Law Firm of Klein, Thorpe and Jenkins, Ltd. As a Victim of Hate and Heineous Crimes by the Village of Lombard, PRO SE, Gardenia C. Hung, does hereby request a judicial review and court intervention in this matter.
Afterwards, that same Saturday morning, PRO SE called the Law Office of Steven A. Leahy to make a legal appointment for counsel representation for Monday morning at 150 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100 , Chicago , Illinois 60601 , Tel. 312-499-0649. For the record, Mr. Steven A. Leahy did not want to take this legal case and refused to represent this matter for the scheduled Wednesday, March 10, 2010.
Let it be known that the following Chicago attorneys and/or DuPage County counsels do not want to represent this legal matter for the Estate of Mr. Roberto Hung Supplemental Health Care Trust: Mr. Colin Hara, Esq., Law Firm of Matsuda, Eiffert, and Mitchell in Chicago, Prairie State Legal Aid in Carol Stream, Mr. Richard Lucas and Apostolopoulos in Addison, attorneys on Manchester Road near the courthouse, etc. Consequently, Defendant GARDENIA C. HUNG appears as PRO SE to respond in this legal matter.
PRO SE, GARDENIA C. HUNG, age 51, is a Lombard resident homeowner, U.S. citizen, representing the subject property, purchased in the name of the late Mr. Roberto Hung, Sr., registered Lombard homeowner for P.I.N. 06-09-315-038-0000, which was legally acquired and recorded in Du Page County, during September 2, 1993 through September 2, 1996 and paid in full at the Maple Park State Bank with cash retirement funds, IRA money markets, and 401K monies accrued in employment savings through profit-sharing invested at Felt-Pro, Inc. auto gasket company, also known today as Federal Mogul Corporation Sealing Systems, located at 7450 North McCormick Boulevard, in Skokie, Illinois 60076-8103. Felt-Pro, Inc.--managed and family-owned by Lewis C. Weinberg, the Lehman Brothers, Mr. Kessler, and others, along with son David Weinberg and daughter, Barbara Kessler. The late Mr. Roberto Hung Sr., was a retired Cuban-Chinese attorney, who worked as Municipal District Attorney in Santiago de Cuba, while he also served as judge for the Municipal District Court of Santiago de Cuba, in Oriente, Cuba. Mr. Roberto Hung was a graduate cum laude from the Law School at the University of La Habana in Cuba. In the State of Illinois, Du Page County, Mr. Roberto Hung became a Lombard resident homeowner, U.S. citizen, who was also a paying member of the Illinois Sheriffs Association and contributed to local, state, and presidential cash fundraisers, to include donations to the Lombard Fire Department and Police Department, and other national charities. On December 22, 1996, he had written a donation checks for the Lombard Fire Department and to his son Robert S. Hung, after paying his household bills, before he became injured at home, 502 S. Westmore Avenue in Lombard, Du Page County, Illinois.
After Roberto Hung paid for the Lombard real estate property, he was abused as a resident homeowner, taxpayer, and U.S. citizen. On December 22, 1996, Mr. Hung was injured at home in Lombard after 9:00 PM, before Christmas Day. Mr. Roberto Hung survived the traumatic brain injury when his eldest daughter GARDENIA C. HUNG provided first responder’s emergency assistance and called 911 in the Village of Lombard. After Mr. Hung recovered from a stroke in 1997, he was throttled and murdered by the respiratory therapist Ben Aguilar at Vencor Northlake Hospital, on June 18, 1998, in Northlake, Cook County, Illinois.
Coincidentally, Felt-Pro, Inc., the automotive gasket sealing magnet, known for a wide-range of worker benefits was also sold in 1998, in the amount of $720 million dollars to Federal Mogul Corporation based in Michigan and nation-wide. Ten years later, Mr. Lewis C. Weinberg died, last Thursday, on October 30, 2008, at his Chicago home in Illinois, at the age of 93 years old.
Since Felt-Pro, Inc. was sold in 1997, Mr. Roberto Hung became abused, injured, and eventually murdered, while holding Lombard real estate property, residency, and homeownership in the County of Du Page.
For the record, the estimated market value of the subject property was $272, 850.00 in 2008, plus the value of family, personal, professional business assets of the Hung Family in Lombard, Du Page County, Illinois. The Lombard Brick Bungalow, built in 1927, was damaged extensively by public use and unauthorized access entries by the Lombard Police Department, the Fire Department, the Village of Lombard, and other intruders during the course of municipal services and operations which caused detrimental disaster, roofing water damages , plumbing flooding and demolition losses. On Wednesday, November 5, 2008, the Lombard Fire Department, instigated by Keith Steiskal, and others, demolished the Lombard Historic Brick Bungalow at 502 S Westmore-Meyers Road in Du Page. Now the Hung Family is petitioning for cash compensation, restitution, and financial remuneration by the Village of Lombard and others who have publicly used the private property owned by the Hung Family in the Estate of Mr. Roberto Hung Supplemental Care Trust.
Please note that Village of Lombard Refused to Issue the Building Permit for the Restoration of the Lombard real estate property at 502 S. Westmore-Meyers Road in Du Page County due to a water and sewer bill in the amount $118.91, even when there was no water service or sewage service provided during 2005, 2006, 2007, and 2008 according to a letter received on October 3, 2008 from Sharon E. Myers, Telephone 630-620-5953, former employee at Village of Lombard , 255 E. Wilson Avenue , Lombard , Illinois 60148-3921 , Fax 630-620-8222.
Furthermore, the following Illinois financial institutions denied financial support for a Home Equity Loan to repair and restore the subject property:
- First American Bank, 1660 Louis Avenue, Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
- Bank of America, 201 North Tryon Street, Charlotte, NC 28255-0001
- Fifth Third Bank, 161 North Clark Street, Chicago, IL 60601
- Associated Bank, 1305 Main Street, Stevens Point, WI 54481
- Zees Group Home Equity Loan Financial for Disaster Restoration
Since the Hung Family has purchased two (2) Lombard homes in Du Page County, all the family members have been victims of crime, abuse, physical injuries, harassments, persecution, to include kidnappings, and forced hospitalizations. The eldest daughter, PRO SE, GARDENIA C. HUNG has been personally harassed by the Village of Lombard and victimized as an access to crime, wrongful charges, false arrest and detention, abuses, personal injuries, and set up for car accidents during the course of employment for the State of Illinois and as a legal interpreter, translator, Illinois Notary Public and Lombard resident homeowner in Du Page County, Illinois.
Dated this 15th day of March, 2010
Gardenia C. Hung PRO SE
(Reserved Signature)
Illinois Notary Public
Post Office Box 1274
502 S. Westmore Avenue
Lombard, Illinois 60148
TEL. 630-201-9055
Under penalties as provided by law pursuant to Section 1-109 of the Illinois Code of Civil Procedure, the undersigned certifies that the statements set forth in this instrument are true and correct, to the best of my ability, so help me God.
Date: On the 15th day of March in the year 2010
Signed by:____________________________________
Gardenia C. Hung, M.A. (Reserved Signature)
Post Office Box 1274, 502 S. Westmore-Meyers Road
Lombard, Illinois 60148-3028
Executed in the Village of Lombard, County of Du Page, in the State of Illinois, United States of America
Dated this 15th day of March in the year 2010
Gardenia C. Hung,PRO SE
(Reserved Signature)
Executor Trustee
Estate of Roberto Hung
Supplemental Care Trust
502 S. Westmore-Meyers Road, P.O. Box 1274
Lombard, Illinois 60148
United States of America
THE VILLAGE OF LOMBARD, an Illinois Municipal Corporation,
GARDENIA C. HUNG AND ROBERT S. HUNG, as Trustees of the Trust Agreement Designated as the Roberto Hung Supplemental Care Trust, JEFFREY D. PAPENDICK, a tax purchaser, SCOTT PAPENDICK, UNKNOWN HEIRS AND LEGATEES, and NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS AND UNKNOWN OWNERS,
Defendant )
) Case No.: No. 2009 CH 002760
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on Wednesday, May 5, 2010 at 9:30 AM, or as soon thereafter as counsel may be heard, I shall appear before the Honorable Judge Bonnie M. Wheaton or any judge sitting in her stead, in Courtroom 2007, in the Circuit Court of Du Page County, Illinois located at 505 North County Farm Road, Wheaton, Illinois, and shall then and there present the PRO SE for the Defendant’s Motion for Objection to the Proceedings Leading to the Report of Sale and Distribution based on legal grounds for Errors and Omissions to include Abuse of the Illinois Code of Civil Procedure by the Plaintiff’s Counsels Thomas P. Bayer and Howard C. Jablecki, as well as Objection to the Plaintiff’s Counsels fees, costs, and expenses to be considered excessive in over billing the Hung Family. A true and correct copy of which is included herewith and hereby served upon you.
Dated this 15th day of March, 2010
(Reserved Signature)
THE VILLAGE OF LOMBARD, an Illinois Municipal Corporation,
GARDENIA C. HUNG AND ROBERT S. HUNG, as Trustees of the Trust Agreement Designated as the Roberto Hung Supplemental Care Trust, JEFFREY D. PAPENDICK, a tax purchaser, SCOTT PAPENDICK, UNKNOWN HEIRS AND LEGATEES, and NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS AND UNKNOWN USERS,
Defendant )
) Case No.: No. 2009 CH 002760
Comes now Gardenia C. Hung as PRO SE, on behalf of the Defendants, to present an Objection to the Proceedings Leading to the Report of Sale and Distribution, in response to the Plaintiff’s Motion filed by Counsels Thomas P. Bayer and Howard C. Jablecki, et al. and its attorneys at Klein, Thorpe & Jenkins, Ltd., pursuant to the Constitution of the State of Illinois, Preamble, Article 1, Bill of Rights, and the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution, as Victims of Crime in the Village of Lombard, Du Page County, on legal grounds for Errors and Omissions, and Abuse of the Illinois Code of Civil Procedure, obstruction of justice, malicious prosecution, and abuse of the legal process. The Defendants are Victims of Crime in the Village of Lombard. In addition, PRO SE presents objections to the Attorney’s fees, costs, and expenses in the amount of $4,270.60 and other miscellaneous charges to be considered excessive upon review, in over billing the Estate of Mr. Roberto Hung Supplemental Care Trust and the Hung Family. PRO SE for Defendants prays for extraordinary remedy and relief, in the form of justice, cash compensation, and severance restitution for damages and losses under the doctrine for inverse condemnation, with justice, fairness, and equity to provide remedy and monetary relief for compensation and indemnity to the aggrieved, pursuant to 735 ILCS 5/Art. II et seq., civil practice law, and the rules of the Supreme Court in the State of Illinois, under the Constitution of the United States of America, and under God.
For the record, Counsel Howard C. Jablecki, et al. mailed the Plaintiff’s Response with delay throughout 2009 and 2010 during the course of these legal proceedings. Let it be known that PRO SE filed a Complaint against Attorneys Thomas P. Bayer and Howard C. Jablecki, Counsels for the Plaintiff, represented by the Law Firm of KLEIN, THORPE AND JENKINS LTD. for Errors and Omissions in the Failure to Provide Due Notice of Motion, Court Summons, and copies of Court Proceedings for a Court Appearance on Thursday, December 10, 2009, at 9:00 AM pending the Plaintiff’s Motion for Order of Default and/or Dismissal and Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale of the Lombard Real Estate Property at 502 S. Westmore Avenue and Washington Blvd. in Du Page County, Illinois 60148 USA.
PRO SE was not duly or timely notified of the Court Summons in this legal matter. Please note the following:
1). Exhibit C-2, Summons for September 02, 2009, Affidavit for Special Process Server, Lewis Ellis, Private Detective No. 117-000885. Item 5.- (X) “That he was unable to serve the within named party GARDENIA C. HUNG located at 502 S. WESTMORE-MEYERS ROAD, GARAGE, LOMBARD IL 60148 for the reason: Attempted service on 9/12/2009 @ 10:24 am and no answer at the garage door. The residence had been demolished, and there was a lock on the garage. I spoke to the neighbor, Robin Halada, (Female, Caucasian, 38) who informed me that the residence had been demolished over one year ago; she further stated that the subject was known to be residing in her car in the garage at one point, but she had not seen anyone around for a year. No message by telephone was recorded. I contacted the subject via telephone on 9/13/2009 @12:30 pm and she requested the documents be mailed to Post Office Box 1274, Lombard, Illinois 60148; no further information provided. Attempted service on 9/15/2009 at 7:51 pm, 9/19/2009 @11:20 am, 9/21/2009 @11:28 am, and No Answer at the Garage Door. Therefore, I was unable to contact the subject and effect service.
2). Exhibit C-3, Summons to Gardenia C. Hung, at 3916 Argyle, Chicago, Illinois 60625, on July 15, 2009. Asked the neighbor Assaedi, 3rd Floor to 1st Floor, 7:01, Writ Not Served per current resident Assaedi Family there for 2 years and do not know. Please note that Counsel Howard C. Jablecki filed Summons for Gardenia C. Hung at 3916 Argyle, Chicago , Illinois 60625 , when for the last seventeen (17) years, Gardenia C. Hung has been a Lombard resident homeowner at 502 S. Westmore-Meyers Road , Post Office Box 1274 , Lombard , Illinois 60148 , Tel. 630-201-9055.
3). Exhibit E - Attorney’s Fees, Costs, and Expenses in the amount of $6,247.90
4). Exhibit F - Affidavit in Support of Judgment Award Request for Statutory Interest, Cost, and Attorney’s Fees
5) Exhibit F-1 – 8/10/2009 – Attorney Communication with Cook County Sheriff regarding service to Gardenia C. Hung for over billing for services at the expense of the Hung Family.
Counsels for the Plaintiff Thomas P. Bayer and Howard C. Jablecki, representing the Village of Lombard , have not been providing all copies of court proceedings or correspondence, due notice for court appearance or any court summons following Civil Procedure in Circuit Court for the Eighteenth Judicial Circuit in Du Page County , Illinois 60187. Even though, PRO SE, Gardenia C. Hung, Lombard resident homeowner, has contacted the Village of Lombard and updated mailing contact information at Post Office Box 1274, Lombard, Illinois 60148, Telephone: 630-201-9055, Email: or No one from the Village of Lombard telephoned or contacted PRO SE for a court appearance or summons to the Circuit Court of the Eighteenth Judicial Circuit in Wheaton, Du Page County, Illinois. During December 2009, Pro Se called the Law Office of Klein, Thorpe and Jenkins, Ltd., in order to contact Counsels Thomas P. Bayer and Howard C. Jablecki, for copies of the court order and proceedings, and could not leave a message or speak to neither one of the parties involved. Later during the week, I visited the Village of Lombard in person during December 2009, and no one was there to discuss this legal matter either since all the staff had left on holiday leave of absence at the end of the year.
Please note that the Village of Lombard has failed to observe the Illinois Code of Civil Procedure and/or follow standard procedures of law where the Hung Family legal matters are concerned regarding the Estate of Mr. Roberto Hung Supplemental Health Care Trust. I, Gardenia C. Hung, I am complaining and reporting the Village of Lombard legal counsels for Errors and Omissions in the Failure to Provide Due Notice of Motion, Court Summons, and copies of Court Proceedings for a Court Appearance on Thursday, December 10, 2009, at 9:00 AM pending the Plaintiff’s Motion for Order of Default and/or Dismissal and Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale of the Lombard Real Estate Property at 502 S. Westmore Avenue and Washington Blvd. in Du Page County, Illinois 60148 USA.
PRO SE, Gardenia C. Hung, does hereby request an investigation against the Village of Lombard for lack of Civil Procedure involving Errors and Omissions in this legal matter and all other matters regarding the Estate of Mr. Roberto Hung Supplemental Health Care Trust.
Furthermore, there is no legal record listing or notice of summons for the alleged Unknown Heirs and Legatees, and Non-Record Claimants and Unknown Owners listed as Defendants for Case No.2009 CH002760 by Counsels for the Plaintiff Thomas P. Bayer and Howard C. Jablecki from the Law Firm of KLEIN, THORPE AND JENKINS LTD. in Chicago, Illinois.
On Saturday morning, March 6, 2010, PRO SE, received a copy of the Plaintiff’s Notice of Motion for the Entry of an Order Approving the Report of Sale and Distribution of the Lombard Real Estate Property recorded for the Estate of Robert Hung Supplemental Care Trust, et al. The designated court date was scheduled for Wednesday, March 10, 2010 at 9:00 a.m., in Courtroom 2007, before Judge Bonnie M. Wheaton, presiding judge. PRO SE has been reporting that the Plaintiff’s Counsel Howard C. Jablecki has not been providing timely due notice of court dates and summons to Gardenia C. Hung under the Illinois Code of Civil Procedure and subject to Errors and Omissions by the Chicago Law Firm of Klein, Thorpe and Jenkins, Ltd. As a Victim of Hate and Heineous Crimes by the Village of Lombard, PRO SE, Gardenia C. Hung, does hereby request a judicial review and court intervention in this matter.
Afterwards, that same Saturday morning, PRO SE called the Law Office of Steven A. Leahy to make a legal appointment for counsel representation for Monday morning at 150 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 1100 , Chicago , Illinois 60601 , Tel. 312-499-0649. For the record, Mr. Steven A. Leahy did not want to take this legal case and refused to represent this matter for the scheduled Wednesday, March 10, 2010.
Let it be known that the following Chicago attorneys and/or DuPage County counsels do not want to represent this legal matter for the Estate of Mr. Roberto Hung Supplemental Health Care Trust: Mr. Colin Hara, Esq., Law Firm of Matsuda, Eiffert, and Mitchell in Chicago, Prairie State Legal Aid in Carol Stream, Mr. Richard Lucas and Apostolopoulos in Addison, attorneys on Manchester Road near the courthouse, etc. Consequently, Defendant GARDENIA C. HUNG appears as PRO SE to respond in this legal matter.
PRO SE, GARDENIA C. HUNG, age 51, is a Lombard resident homeowner, U.S. citizen, representing the subject property, purchased in the name of the late Mr. Roberto Hung, Sr., registered Lombard homeowner for P.I.N. 06-09-315-038-0000, which was legally acquired and recorded in Du Page County, during September 2, 1993 through September 2, 1996 and paid in full at the Maple Park State Bank with cash retirement funds, IRA money markets, and 401K monies accrued in employment savings through profit-sharing invested at Felt-Pro, Inc. auto gasket company, also known today as Federal Mogul Corporation Sealing Systems, located at 7450 North McCormick Boulevard, in Skokie, Illinois 60076-8103. Felt-Pro, Inc.--managed and family-owned by Lewis C. Weinberg, the Lehman Brothers, Mr. Kessler, and others, along with son David Weinberg and daughter, Barbara Kessler. The late Mr. Roberto Hung Sr., was a retired Cuban-Chinese attorney, who worked as Municipal District Attorney in Santiago de Cuba, while he also served as judge for the Municipal District Court of Santiago de Cuba, in Oriente, Cuba. Mr. Roberto Hung was a graduate cum laude from the Law School at the University of La Habana in Cuba. In the State of Illinois, Du Page County, Mr. Roberto Hung became a Lombard resident homeowner, U.S. citizen, who was also a paying member of the Illinois Sheriffs Association and contributed to local, state, and presidential cash fundraisers, to include donations to the Lombard Fire Department and Police Department, and other national charities. On December 22, 1996, he had written a donation checks for the Lombard Fire Department and to his son Robert S. Hung, after paying his household bills, before he became injured at home, 502 S. Westmore Avenue in Lombard, Du Page County, Illinois.
After Roberto Hung paid for the Lombard real estate property, he was abused as a resident homeowner, taxpayer, and U.S. citizen. On December 22, 1996, Mr. Hung was injured at home in Lombard after 9:00 PM, before Christmas Day. Mr. Roberto Hung survived the traumatic brain injury when his eldest daughter GARDENIA C. HUNG provided first responder’s emergency assistance and called 911 in the Village of Lombard. After Mr. Hung recovered from a stroke in 1997, he was throttled and murdered by the respiratory therapist Ben Aguilar at Vencor Northlake Hospital, on June 18, 1998, in Northlake, Cook County, Illinois.
Coincidentally, Felt-Pro, Inc., the automotive gasket sealing magnet, known for a wide-range of worker benefits was also sold in 1998, in the amount of $720 million dollars to Federal Mogul Corporation based in Michigan and nation-wide. Ten years later, Mr. Lewis C. Weinberg died, last Thursday, on October 30, 2008, at his Chicago home in Illinois, at the age of 93 years old.
Since Felt-Pro, Inc. was sold in 1997, Mr. Roberto Hung became abused, injured, and eventually murdered, while holding Lombard real estate property, residency, and homeownership in the County of Du Page.
For the record, the estimated market value of the subject property was $272, 850.00 in 2008, plus the value of family, personal, professional business assets of the Hung Family in Lombard, Du Page County, Illinois. The Lombard Brick Bungalow, built in 1927, was damaged extensively by public use and unauthorized access entries by the Lombard Police Department, the Fire Department, the Village of Lombard, and other intruders during the course of municipal services and operations which caused detrimental disaster, roofing water damages , plumbing flooding and demolition losses. On Wednesday, November 5, 2008, the Lombard Fire Department, instigated by Keith Steiskal, and others, demolished the Lombard Historic Brick Bungalow at 502 S Westmore-Meyers Road in Du Page. Now the Hung Family is petitioning for cash compensation, restitution, and financial remuneration by the Village of Lombard and others who have publicly used the private property owned by the Hung Family in the Estate of Mr. Roberto Hung Supplemental Care Trust.
Please note that Village of Lombard Refused to Issue the Building Permit for the Restoration of the Lombard real estate property at 502 S. Westmore-Meyers Road in Du Page County due to a water and sewer bill in the amount $118.91, even when there was no water service or sewage service provided during 2005, 2006, 2007, and 2008 according to a letter received on October 3, 2008 from Sharon E. Myers, Telephone 630-620-5953, former employee at Village of Lombard , 255 E. Wilson Avenue , Lombard , Illinois 60148-3921 , Fax 630-620-8222.
Furthermore, the following Illinois financial institutions denied financial support for a Home Equity Loan to repair and restore the subject property:
- First American Bank, 1660 Louis Avenue, Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
- Bank of America, 201 North Tryon Street, Charlotte, NC 28255-0001
- Fifth Third Bank, 161 North Clark Street, Chicago, IL 60601
- Associated Bank, 1305 Main Street, Stevens Point, WI 54481
- Zees Group Home Equity Loan Financial for Disaster Restoration
Since the Hung Family has purchased two (2) Lombard homes in Du Page County, all the family members have been victims of crime, abuse, physical injuries, harassments, persecution, to include kidnappings, and forced hospitalizations. The eldest daughter, PRO SE, GARDENIA C. HUNG has been personally harassed by the Village of Lombard and victimized as an access to crime, wrongful charges, false arrest and detention, abuses, personal injuries, and set up for car accidents during the course of employment for the State of Illinois and as a legal interpreter, translator, Illinois Notary Public and Lombard resident homeowner in Du Page County, Illinois.
Dated this 15th day of March, 2010
Gardenia C. Hung PRO SE
(Reserved Signature)
Illinois Notary Public
Post Office Box 1274
502 S. Westmore Avenue
Lombard, Illinois 60148
TEL. 630-201-9055
Under penalties as provided by law pursuant to Section 1-109 of the Illinois Code of Civil Procedure, the undersigned certifies that the statements set forth in this instrument are true and correct, to the best of my ability, so help me God.
Date: On the 15th day of March in the year 2010
Signed by:____________________________________
Gardenia C. Hung, M.A. (Reserved Signature)
Post Office Box 1274, 502 S. Westmore-Meyers Road
Lombard, Illinois 60148-3028
Executed in the Village of Lombard, County of Du Page, in the State of Illinois, United States of America
Dated this 15th day of March in the year 2010
Gardenia C. Hung,PRO SE
(Reserved Signature)
Executor Trustee
Estate of Roberto Hung
Supplemental Care Trust
502 S. Westmore-Meyers Road, P.O. Box 1274
Lombard, Illinois 60148
United States of America
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