What Happened To The Household Electronics and Kitchen Equipment during the Criminal Disaster Demolition at 502 S. Westmore-Meyers Road in the Village of Lombard, DuPage County, Illinois USA?
On Election Day, Tuesday, November 4, 2008, the Village of Lombard was eager to blow up Gardenia Hung’s Historic Brick Bungalow with a lot of expensive explosives purchased by the Lombard Fire Department underwritten by George Seagraves, Fire Chief, and the Lombard Police Department Explosives Squad. Everyone wondered, why the criminal demolition disaster had to be on Election Day 2008 when incumbent President George W. Bush was running neck and neck with President-To-Be Barack H. Obama? The answer is that Keith Steiskal and the Lombard and Police Department were in a hurry and rushed to blow up Gardenia Hung’s Historic Brick Bungalow Lombard as soon as possible with cheers to leave the Hung Family homeless and dispossessed in the York Township District of DuPage County, Illinois USA.
The Lombard Fire Chief and Keith Steiskal were arrested to prevent them from blowing up the Hung Family Brick Bungalow on Tuesday, Election Day. However, they were released to do the Criminal Disaster Demolition on Wednesday, November 5, 2008. Gardenia C. Hung noticed that Keith Steiskal was eager to remove her from the Hung Family residence at 502 S. Westmore-Meyers Road, when he ordered a taxi to take her to the Motel 66 on Roosevelt Road.
The plot was to pick up the Lombard resident after lunchtime and return to the Hung Family Brick Bungalow to pack and move out household and kitchen equipment. But, the taxi ordered by the Village of Lombard arrived early and left without Gardenia Hung, under the excuse that I was not there—even when the taxi driver was told to wait, he left in a hurry, without the Lombard resident homeowner. By the way, the taxi driver was paid by the Village of Lombard for the fare cab ride without the Lombard resident homeowner in the taxi.
Two years have passed since the Criminal Disaster Demolition at the Estate of Mr. Roberto Hung and Family…and the expensive household electronics for video recording, Toshiba Large Screen Television, Panasonic DVD player, VCRs, Sony Stereophonic Sound Equipment, Kitchen Equipment, and designer fashionable clothing, personal toiletry, miscellaneous belongings have been in the possession of the Village of Lombard and DuPage County without compensating the Hung Family or providing restitution for the stolen electronics belonging to Gardenia Hung and company business for Communications, Languages & Culture, Inc.
For the record, the Hung Family purchased the Lombard Brick Bungalow on September 2, 1993 and moved to the Village of Lombard in DuPage County, Illinois during the Autumn 1993 from the Northwest side of Chicago, Cook County. Since the Hung Family lived in the Village of Lombard, they supported the local electronics stores at Circuit City in Downers Grove, Sears Roebuck and Company in Oak Brook, Montgomery Ward, Carson Pirie Scott, Marshall Field’s, by purchasing household electronics and kitchen equipment in the Yorktown area, DuPage County, Illinois USA. In addition, Nathan S. Wittler purchased new living room furniture, a new Teak Wood Dining Room Set for Eight People and a China cabinet, along with a new Teak Wood Master Bedroom Set with Vanity and Two Dresser Drawers, Night Stand Tables.
The Hung Family, Lombard resident homeowners at the corner of 502 S. Westmore-Meyers Road and Washington Boulevard, near Saint Pius X Catholic Church and Westmore Elementary School, have been all victims of heinous hate crimes, criminal disaster demolition, persecution, harassment, and physical abuse, car accidents, and forced hospitalizations in DuPage County, Illinois USA. The Village of Lombard and DuPage County, have been stealing from the Hung Family household electronics, kitchen equipment, and professional company assets and resources belonging to the company Communications, Languages & Culture, Inc. without compensating or restituting the Estate of Mr. Roberto Hung and Family and/or the company Communications, Languages & Culture, Inc. in the State of Illinois, United States of America.